#include "putty.h" #include "storage.h" extern bool sesslist_demo_mode; extern const char *dialog_box_demo_screenshot_filename; static strbuf *demo_terminal_data = NULL; static const char *terminal_demo_screenshot_filename; const unsigned cmdline_tooltype = TOOLTYPE_HOST_ARG | TOOLTYPE_PORT_ARG | TOOLTYPE_NO_VERBOSE_OPTION; void gui_term_process_cmdline(Conf *conf, char *cmdline) { char *p; bool special_launchable_argument = false; bool demo_config_box = false; settings_set_default_protocol(be_default_protocol); /* Find the appropriate default port. */ { const struct BackendVtable *vt = backend_vt_from_proto(be_default_protocol); settings_set_default_port(0); /* illegal */ if (vt) settings_set_default_port(vt->default_port); } conf_set_int(conf, CONF_logtype, LGTYP_NONE); do_defaults(NULL, conf); p = handle_restrict_acl_cmdline_prefix(cmdline); if (handle_special_sessionname_cmdline(p, conf)) { if (!conf_launchable(conf) && !do_config(conf)) { cleanup_exit(0); } special_launchable_argument = true; } else if (handle_special_filemapping_cmdline(p, conf)) { special_launchable_argument = true; } else if (!*p) { /* Do-nothing case for an empty command line - or rather, * for a command line that's empty _after_ we strip off * the &R prefix. */ } else { /* * Otherwise, break up the command line and deal with * it sensibly. */ int argc, i; char **argv; split_into_argv(cmdline, &argc, &argv, NULL); for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) { char *p = argv[i]; int ret; ret = cmdline_process_param(p, i+1<argc?argv[i+1]:NULL, 1, conf); if (ret == -2) { cmdline_error("option \"%s\" requires an argument", p); } else if (ret == 2) { i++; /* skip next argument */ } else if (ret == 1) { continue; /* nothing further needs doing */ } else if (!strcmp(p, "-cleanup")) { /* * `putty -cleanup'. Remove all registry * entries associated with PuTTY, and also find * and delete the random seed file. */ char *s1, *s2; s1 = dupprintf("This procedure will remove ALL Registry entries\n" "associated with %s, and will also remove\n" "the random seed file. (This only affects the\n" "currently logged-in user.)\n" "\n" "THIS PROCESS WILL DESTROY YOUR SAVED SESSIONS.\n" "Are you really sure you want to continue?", appname); s2 = dupprintf("%s Warning", appname); if (message_box(NULL, s1, s2, MB_YESNO | MB_ICONWARNING | MB_DEFBUTTON2, HELPCTXID(option_cleanup)) == IDYES) { cleanup_all(); } sfree(s1); sfree(s2); exit(0); } else if (!strcmp(p, "-pgpfp")) { pgp_fingerprints_msgbox(NULL); exit(1); } else if (has_ca_config_box && (!strcmp(p, "-host-ca") || !strcmp(p, "--host-ca") || !strcmp(p, "-host_ca") || !strcmp(p, "--host_ca"))) { show_ca_config_box(NULL); exit(0); } else if (!strcmp(p, "-demo-config-box")) { if (i+1 >= argc) { cmdline_error("%s expects an output filename", p); } else { demo_config_box = true; dialog_box_demo_screenshot_filename = argv[++i]; } } else if (!strcmp(p, "-demo-terminal")) { if (i+2 >= argc) { cmdline_error("%s expects input and output filenames", p); } else { const char *infile = argv[++i]; terminal_demo_screenshot_filename = argv[++i]; FILE *fp = fopen(infile, "rb"); if (!fp) cmdline_error("can't open input file '%s'", infile); demo_terminal_data = strbuf_new(); char buf[4096]; int retd; while ((retd = fread(buf, 1, sizeof(buf), fp)) > 0) put_data(demo_terminal_data, buf, retd); fclose(fp); } } else if (*p != '-') { cmdline_error("unexpected argument \"%s\"", p); } else { cmdline_error("unknown option \"%s\"", p); } } } cmdline_run_saved(conf); if (demo_config_box) { sesslist_demo_mode = true; load_open_settings(NULL, conf); conf_set_str(conf, CONF_host, "demo-server.example.com"); do_config(conf); cleanup_exit(0); } else if (demo_terminal_data) { /* Ensure conf will cause an immediate session launch */ load_open_settings(NULL, conf); conf_set_str(conf, CONF_host, "demo-server.example.com"); conf_set_int(conf, CONF_close_on_exit, FORCE_OFF); } else { /* * Bring up the config dialog if the command line hasn't * (explicitly) specified a launchable configuration. */ if (!(special_launchable_argument || cmdline_host_ok(conf))) { if (!do_config(conf)) cleanup_exit(0); } } prepare_session(conf); } const struct BackendVtable *backend_vt_from_conf(Conf *conf) { if (demo_terminal_data) { return &null_backend; } /* * Select protocol. This is farmed out into a table in a * separate file to enable an ssh-free variant. */ const struct BackendVtable *vt = backend_vt_from_proto( conf_get_int(conf, CONF_protocol)); if (!vt) { char *str = dupprintf("%s Internal Error", appname); MessageBox(NULL, "Unsupported protocol number found", str, MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); sfree(str); cleanup_exit(1); } return vt; } const wchar_t *get_app_user_model_id(void) { return L"SimonTatham.PuTTY"; } static void demo_terminal_screenshot(void *ctx, unsigned long now) { HWND hwnd = (HWND)ctx; char *err = save_screenshot(hwnd, terminal_demo_screenshot_filename); if (err) { MessageBox(hwnd, err, "Demo screenshot failure", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); sfree(err); } cleanup_exit(0); } void gui_terminal_ready(HWND hwnd, Seat *seat, Backend *backend) { if (demo_terminal_data) { ptrlen data = ptrlen_from_strbuf(demo_terminal_data); seat_stdout(seat, data.ptr, data.len); schedule_timer(TICKSPERSEC, demo_terminal_screenshot, (void *)hwnd); } }