/* * Packet protocol layer for the SSH-1 login phase, from the server side. */ #include #include "putty.h" #include "mpint.h" #include "ssh.h" #include "sshbpp.h" #include "sshppl.h" #include "sshcr.h" #include "sshserver.h" #include "sshkeygen.h" struct ssh1_login_server_state { int crState; PacketProtocolLayer *successor_layer; const SshServerConfig *ssc; int remote_protoflags; int local_protoflags; unsigned long supported_ciphers_mask, supported_auths_mask; unsigned cipher_type; unsigned char cookie[8]; unsigned char session_key[32]; unsigned char session_id[16]; char *username_str; ptrlen username; RSAKey *servkey, *hostkey; bool servkey_generated_here; mp_int *sesskey; AuthPolicy *authpolicy; unsigned ap_methods, current_method; unsigned char auth_rsa_expected_response[16]; RSAKey *authkey; bool auth_successful; PacketProtocolLayer ppl; }; static void ssh1_login_server_free(PacketProtocolLayer *); static void ssh1_login_server_process_queue(PacketProtocolLayer *); static bool ssh1_login_server_get_specials( PacketProtocolLayer *ppl, add_special_fn_t add_special, void *ctx) { return false; } static void ssh1_login_server_special_cmd(PacketProtocolLayer *ppl, SessionSpecialCode code, int arg) {} static bool ssh1_login_server_want_user_input( PacketProtocolLayer *ppl) { return false; } static void ssh1_login_server_got_user_input(PacketProtocolLayer *ppl) {} static void ssh1_login_server_reconfigure( PacketProtocolLayer *ppl, Conf *conf) {} static const struct PacketProtocolLayerVtable ssh1_login_server_vtable = { ssh1_login_server_free, ssh1_login_server_process_queue, ssh1_login_server_get_specials, ssh1_login_server_special_cmd, ssh1_login_server_want_user_input, ssh1_login_server_got_user_input, ssh1_login_server_reconfigure, ssh_ppl_default_queued_data_size, NULL /* no layer names in SSH-1 */, }; PacketProtocolLayer *ssh1_login_server_new( PacketProtocolLayer *successor_layer, RSAKey *hostkey, AuthPolicy *authpolicy, const SshServerConfig *ssc) { struct ssh1_login_server_state *s = snew(struct ssh1_login_server_state); memset(s, 0, sizeof(*s)); s->ppl.vt = &ssh1_login_server_vtable; s->ssc = ssc; s->hostkey = hostkey; s->authpolicy = authpolicy; s->successor_layer = successor_layer; return &s->ppl; } static void ssh1_login_server_free(PacketProtocolLayer *ppl) { struct ssh1_login_server_state *s = container_of(ppl, struct ssh1_login_server_state, ppl); if (s->successor_layer) ssh_ppl_free(s->successor_layer); if (s->servkey_generated_here && s->servkey) { freersakey(s->servkey); sfree(s->servkey); } smemclr(s->session_key, sizeof(s->session_key)); sfree(s->username_str); sfree(s); } static bool ssh1_login_server_filter_queue(struct ssh1_login_server_state *s) { return ssh1_common_filter_queue(&s->ppl); } static PktIn *ssh1_login_server_pop(struct ssh1_login_server_state *s) { if (ssh1_login_server_filter_queue(s)) return NULL; return pq_pop(s->ppl.in_pq); } static void ssh1_login_server_process_queue(PacketProtocolLayer *ppl) { struct ssh1_login_server_state *s = container_of(ppl, struct ssh1_login_server_state, ppl); PktIn *pktin; PktOut *pktout; int i; /* Filter centrally handled messages off the front of the queue on * every entry to this coroutine, no matter where we're resuming * from, even if we're _not_ looping on pq_pop. That way we can * still proactively handle those messages even if we're waiting * for a user response. */ if (ssh1_login_server_filter_queue(s)) return; crBegin(s->crState); if (!s->servkey) { int server_key_bits = s->hostkey->bytes - 256; if (server_key_bits < 512) server_key_bits = s->hostkey->bytes + 256; s->servkey = snew(RSAKey); PrimeGenerationContext *pgc = primegen_new_context( &primegen_probabilistic); ProgressReceiver null_progress; null_progress.vt = &null_progress_vt; rsa_generate(s->servkey, server_key_bits, pgc, &null_progress); primegen_free_context(pgc); s->servkey->comment = NULL; s->servkey_generated_here = true; } s->local_protoflags = SSH1_PROTOFLAGS_SUPPORTED; s->supported_ciphers_mask = s->ssc->ssh1_cipher_mask; s->supported_auths_mask = 0; s->ap_methods = auth_methods(s->authpolicy); if (s->ap_methods & AUTHMETHOD_PASSWORD) s->supported_auths_mask |= (1U << SSH1_AUTH_PASSWORD); if (s->ap_methods & AUTHMETHOD_PUBLICKEY) s->supported_auths_mask |= (1U << SSH1_AUTH_RSA); if (s->ap_methods & AUTHMETHOD_TIS) s->supported_auths_mask |= (1U << SSH1_AUTH_TIS); if (s->ap_methods & AUTHMETHOD_CRYPTOCARD) s->supported_auths_mask |= (1U << SSH1_AUTH_CCARD); random_read(s->cookie, 8); pktout = ssh_bpp_new_pktout(s->ppl.bpp, SSH1_SMSG_PUBLIC_KEY); put_data(pktout, s->cookie, 8); rsa_ssh1_public_blob(BinarySink_UPCAST(pktout), s->servkey, RSA_SSH1_EXPONENT_FIRST); rsa_ssh1_public_blob(BinarySink_UPCAST(pktout), s->hostkey, RSA_SSH1_EXPONENT_FIRST); put_uint32(pktout, s->local_protoflags); put_uint32(pktout, s->supported_ciphers_mask); put_uint32(pktout, s->supported_auths_mask); pq_push(s->ppl.out_pq, pktout); crMaybeWaitUntilV((pktin = ssh1_login_server_pop(s)) != NULL); if (pktin->type != SSH1_CMSG_SESSION_KEY) { ssh_proto_error(s->ppl.ssh, "Received unexpected packet in response" " to initial public key packet, type %d (%s)", pktin->type, ssh1_pkt_type(pktin->type)); return; } { ptrlen client_cookie; s->cipher_type = get_byte(pktin); client_cookie = get_data(pktin, 8); s->sesskey = get_mp_ssh1(pktin); s->remote_protoflags = get_uint32(pktin); if (get_err(pktin)) { ssh_proto_error(s->ppl.ssh, "Unable to parse session key packet"); return; } if (!ptrlen_eq_ptrlen(client_cookie, make_ptrlen(s->cookie, 8))) { ssh_proto_error(s->ppl.ssh, "Client sent incorrect anti-spoofing cookie"); return; } } if (s->cipher_type >= 32 || !((s->supported_ciphers_mask >> s->cipher_type) & 1)) { ssh_proto_error(s->ppl.ssh, "Client selected an unsupported cipher"); return; } { RSAKey *smaller, *larger; strbuf *data = strbuf_new_nm(); if (mp_get_nbits(s->hostkey->modulus) > mp_get_nbits(s->servkey->modulus)) { larger = s->hostkey; smaller = s->servkey; } else { smaller = s->hostkey; larger = s->servkey; } if (rsa_ssh1_decrypt_pkcs1(s->sesskey, larger, data)) { mp_free(s->sesskey); s->sesskey = mp_from_bytes_be(ptrlen_from_strbuf(data)); strbuf_clear(data); if (rsa_ssh1_decrypt_pkcs1(s->sesskey, smaller, data) && data->len == sizeof(s->session_key)) { memcpy(s->session_key, data->u, sizeof(s->session_key)); mp_free(s->sesskey); s->sesskey = NULL; /* indicates success */ } } strbuf_free(data); } if (s->sesskey) { ssh_proto_error(s->ppl.ssh, "Failed to decrypt session key"); return; } ssh1_compute_session_id(s->session_id, s->cookie, s->hostkey, s->servkey); for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) s->session_key[i] ^= s->session_id[i]; { const ssh_cipheralg *cipher = (s->cipher_type == SSH1_CIPHER_BLOWFISH ? &ssh_blowfish_ssh1 : s->cipher_type == SSH1_CIPHER_DES ? &ssh_des : &ssh_3des_ssh1); ssh1_bpp_new_cipher(s->ppl.bpp, cipher, s->session_key); } pktout = ssh_bpp_new_pktout(s->ppl.bpp, SSH1_SMSG_SUCCESS); pq_push(s->ppl.out_pq, pktout); crMaybeWaitUntilV((pktin = ssh1_login_server_pop(s)) != NULL); if (pktin->type != SSH1_CMSG_USER) { ssh_proto_error(s->ppl.ssh, "Received unexpected packet while " "expecting username, type %d (%s)", pktin->type, ssh1_pkt_type(pktin->type)); return; } s->username = get_string(pktin); s->username.ptr = s->username_str = mkstr(s->username); ppl_logevent("Received username '%.*s'", PTRLEN_PRINTF(s->username)); s->auth_successful = auth_none(s->authpolicy, s->username); while (1) { /* Signal failed authentication */ pktout = ssh_bpp_new_pktout(s->ppl.bpp, SSH1_SMSG_FAILURE); pq_push(s->ppl.out_pq, pktout); crMaybeWaitUntilV((pktin = ssh1_login_server_pop(s)) != NULL); if (pktin->type == SSH1_CMSG_AUTH_PASSWORD) { s->current_method = AUTHMETHOD_PASSWORD; if (!(s->ap_methods & s->current_method)) continue; ptrlen password = get_string(pktin); /* Tolerate historic traffic-analysis defence of NUL + * garbage on the end of the binary password string */ char *nul = memchr(password.ptr, '\0', password.len); if (nul) password.len = (const char *)nul - (const char *)password.ptr; if (auth_password(s->authpolicy, s->username, password, NULL)) goto auth_success; } else if (pktin->type == SSH1_CMSG_AUTH_RSA) { s->current_method = AUTHMETHOD_PUBLICKEY; if (!(s->ap_methods & s->current_method)) continue; { mp_int *modulus = get_mp_ssh1(pktin); s->authkey = auth_publickey_ssh1( s->authpolicy, s->username, modulus); mp_free(modulus); } if (!s->authkey) continue; if (s->authkey->bytes < 32) { ppl_logevent("Auth key far too small"); continue; } { unsigned char *rsabuf = snewn(s->authkey->bytes, unsigned char); random_read(rsabuf, 32); { ssh_hash *h = ssh_hash_new(&ssh_md5); put_data(h, rsabuf, 32); put_data(h, s->session_id, 16); ssh_hash_final(h, s->auth_rsa_expected_response); } if (!rsa_ssh1_encrypt(rsabuf, 32, s->authkey)) { sfree(rsabuf); ppl_logevent("Failed to encrypt auth challenge"); continue; } mp_int *bn = mp_from_bytes_be( make_ptrlen(rsabuf, s->authkey->bytes)); smemclr(rsabuf, s->authkey->bytes); sfree(rsabuf); pktout = ssh_bpp_new_pktout( s->ppl.bpp, SSH1_SMSG_AUTH_RSA_CHALLENGE); put_mp_ssh1(pktout, bn); pq_push(s->ppl.out_pq, pktout); mp_free(bn); } crMaybeWaitUntilV((pktin = ssh1_login_server_pop(s)) != NULL); if (pktin->type != SSH1_CMSG_AUTH_RSA_RESPONSE) { ssh_proto_error(s->ppl.ssh, "Received unexpected packet in " "response to RSA auth challenge, type %d (%s)", pktin->type, ssh1_pkt_type(pktin->type)); return; } { ptrlen response = get_data(pktin, 16); ptrlen expected = make_ptrlen( s->auth_rsa_expected_response, 16); if (!ptrlen_eq_ptrlen(response, expected)) { ppl_logevent("Wrong response to auth challenge"); continue; } } goto auth_success; } else if (pktin->type == SSH1_CMSG_AUTH_TIS || pktin->type == SSH1_CMSG_AUTH_CCARD) { char *challenge; unsigned response_type; ptrlen response; s->current_method = (pktin->type == SSH1_CMSG_AUTH_TIS ? AUTHMETHOD_TIS : AUTHMETHOD_CRYPTOCARD); if (!(s->ap_methods & s->current_method)) continue; challenge = auth_ssh1int_challenge( s->authpolicy, s->current_method, s->username); if (!challenge) continue; pktout = ssh_bpp_new_pktout( s->ppl.bpp, (s->current_method == AUTHMETHOD_TIS ? SSH1_SMSG_AUTH_TIS_CHALLENGE : SSH1_SMSG_AUTH_CCARD_CHALLENGE)); put_stringz(pktout, challenge); pq_push(s->ppl.out_pq, pktout); sfree(challenge); crMaybeWaitUntilV((pktin = ssh1_login_server_pop(s)) != NULL); response_type = (s->current_method == AUTHMETHOD_TIS ? SSH1_CMSG_AUTH_TIS_RESPONSE : SSH1_CMSG_AUTH_CCARD_RESPONSE); if (pktin->type != response_type) { ssh_proto_error(s->ppl.ssh, "Received unexpected packet in " "response to %s challenge, type %d (%s)", (s->current_method == AUTHMETHOD_TIS ? "TIS" : "CryptoCard"), pktin->type, ssh1_pkt_type(pktin->type)); return; } response = get_string(pktin); if (auth_ssh1int_response(s->authpolicy, response)) goto auth_success; } } auth_success: if (!auth_successful(s->authpolicy, s->username, s->current_method)) { ssh_sw_abort(s->ppl.ssh, "Multiple authentications required but SSH-1" " cannot perform them"); return; } /* Signal successful authentication */ pktout = ssh_bpp_new_pktout(s->ppl.bpp, SSH1_SMSG_SUCCESS); pq_push(s->ppl.out_pq, pktout); ssh1_connection_set_protoflags( s->successor_layer, s->local_protoflags, s->remote_protoflags); { PacketProtocolLayer *successor = s->successor_layer; s->successor_layer = NULL; /* avoid freeing it ourself */ ssh_ppl_replace(&s->ppl, successor); return; /* we've just freed s, so avoid even touching s->crState */ } crFinishV; }