mirror of https://git.tartarus.org/simon/putty.git synced 2025-03-21 22:28:37 -05:00
Simon Tatham e98615f0ba New post-quantum kex: ML-KEM, and three hybrids of it.
As standardised by NIST in FIPS 203, this is a lattice-based
post-quantum KEM.

Very vaguely, the idea of it is that your public key is a matrix A and
vector t, and the private key is the knowledge of how to decompose t
into two vectors with all their coefficients small, one transformed by
A relative to the other. Encryption of a binary secret starts by
turning each bit into one of two maximally separated residues mod a
prime q, and then adding 'noise' based on the public key in the form
of small increments and decrements mod q, again with some of the noise
transformed by A relative to the rest. Decryption uses the knowledge
of t's decomposition to align the two sets of noise so that the
_large_ changes (which masked the secret from an eavesdropper) cancel
out, leaving only a collection of small changes to the original secret
vector. Then the vector of input bits can be recovered by assuming
that those accumulated small pieces of noise haven't concentrated in
any particular residue enough to push it more than half way to the
other of its possible starting values.

A weird feature of it is that decryption is not a true mathematical
inverse of encryption. The assumption that the noise doesn't get large
enough to flip any bit of the secret is only probabilistically valid,
not a hard guarantee. In other words, key agreement can fail, simply
by getting particularly unlucky with the distribution of your random
noise! However, the probability of a failure is very low - less than
2^-138 even for ML-KEM-512, and gets even smaller with the larger

An awkward feature for our purposes is that the matrix A, containing a
large number of residues mod the prime q=3329, is required to be
constructed by a process of rejection sampling, i.e. generating random
12-bit values and throwing away the out-of-range ones. That would be a
real pain for our side-channel testing system, which generally handles
rejection sampling badly (since it necessarily involves data-dependent
control flow and timing variation). Fortunately, the matrix and the
random seed it was made from are both public: the matrix seed is
transmitted as part of the public key, so it's not necessary to try to
hide it. Accordingly, I was able to get the implementation to pass
testsc by means of not varying the matrix seed between runs, which is
justified by the principle of testsc that you vary the _secrets_ to
ensure timing is independent of them - and the matrix seed isn't a
secret, so you're allowed to keep it the same.

The three hybrid algorithms, defined by the current Internet-Draft
draft-kampanakis-curdle-ssh-pq-ke, include one hybrid of ML-KEM-768
with Curve25519 in exactly the same way we were already hybridising
NTRU Prime with Curve25519, and two more hybrids of ML-KEM with ECDH
over a NIST curve. The former hybrid interoperates with the
implementation in OpenSSH 9.9; all three interoperate with the fork
'openssh-oqs' at github.com/open-quantum-safe/openssh, and also with
the Python library AsyncSSH.
2024-12-08 10:41:08 +00:00

442 lines
17 KiB

import sys
import os
import numbers
import subprocess
import re
import string
import struct
from binascii import hexlify
assert sys.version_info[:2] >= (3,0), "This is Python 3 code"
# Expect to be run from the 'test' subdirectory, one level down from
# the main source
putty_srcdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
def coerce_to_bytes(arg):
return arg.encode("UTF-8") if isinstance(arg, str) else arg
class ChildProcessFailure(Exception):
class ChildProcess(object):
def __init__(self):
self.sp = None
self.debug = None
self.exitstatus = None
self.exception = None
dbg = os.environ.get("PUTTY_TESTCRYPT_DEBUG")
if dbg is not None:
if dbg == "stderr":
self.debug = sys.stderr
sys.stderr.write("Unknown value '{}' for PUTTY_TESTCRYPT_DEBUG"
" (try 'stderr'\n")
def start(self):
assert self.sp is None
override_command = os.environ.get("PUTTY_TESTCRYPT")
if override_command is None:
cmd = [os.path.join(putty_srcdir, "testcrypt")]
shell = False
cmd = override_command
shell = True
self.sp = subprocess.Popen(
cmd, shell=shell, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
def write_line(self, line):
if self.exception is not None:
# Re-raise our fatal-error exception, if it previously
# occurred in a context where it couldn't be propagated (a
# __del__ method).
raise self.exception
if self.debug is not None:
self.debug.write("send: {}\n".format(line))
self.sp.stdin.write(line + b"\n")
def read_line(self):
line = self.sp.stdout.readline()
if len(line) == 0:
self.exception = ChildProcessFailure("received EOF from testcrypt")
raise self.exception
line = line.rstrip(b"\r\n")
if self.debug is not None:
self.debug.write("recv: {}\n".format(line))
return line
def already_terminated(self):
return self.sp is None and self.exitstatus is not None
def funcall(self, cmd, args):
if self.sp is None:
assert self.exitstatus is None
self.write_line(coerce_to_bytes(cmd) + b" " + b" ".join(
coerce_to_bytes(arg) for arg in args))
argcount = int(self.read_line())
return [self.read_line() for arg in range(argcount)]
def wait_for_exit(self):
if self.sp is not None:
self.exitstatus = self.sp.wait()
self.sp = None
def check_return_status(self):
if self.exitstatus is not None and self.exitstatus != 0:
raise ChildProcessFailure("testcrypt returned exit status {}"
childprocess = ChildProcess()
method_prefixes = {
'val_wpoint': ['ecc_weierstrass_'],
'val_mpoint': ['ecc_montgomery_'],
'val_epoint': ['ecc_edwards_'],
'val_hash': ['ssh_hash_'],
'val_mac': ['ssh2_mac_'],
'val_key': ['ssh_key_'],
'val_cipher': ['ssh_cipher_'],
'val_dh': ['dh_'],
'val_ecdh': ['ssh_ecdhkex_'],
'val_rsakex': ['ssh_rsakex_'],
'val_prng': ['prng_'],
'val_pcs': ['pcs_'],
'val_pockle': ['pockle_'],
'val_ntruencodeschedule': ['ntru_encode_schedule_', 'ntru_'],
method_lists = {t: [] for t in method_prefixes}
checked_enum_values = {}
class Value(object):
def __init__(self, typename, ident):
self._typename = typename
self._ident = ident
for methodname, function in method_lists.get(self._typename, []):
setattr(self, methodname,
(lambda f: lambda *args: f(self, *args))(function))
def _consumed(self):
self._ident = None
def __repr__(self):
return "Value({!r}, {!r})".format(self._typename, self._ident)
def __del__(self):
if self._ident is not None and not childprocess.already_terminated():
childprocess.funcall("free", [self._ident])
except ChildProcessFailure:
# If we see this exception now, we can't do anything
# about it, because exceptions don't propagate out of
# __del__ methods. Squelch it to prevent the annoying
# runtime warning from Python, and the
# 'self.exception' mechanism in the ChildProcess class
# will raise it again at the next opportunity.
# (This covers both the case where testcrypt crashes
# _during_ one of these free operations, and the
# silencing of cascade failures when we try to send a
# "free" command to testcrypt after it had already
# crashed for some other reason.)
def __long__(self):
if self._typename != "val_mpint":
raise TypeError("testcrypt values of types other than mpint"
" cannot be converted to integer")
hexval = childprocess.funcall("mp_dump", [self._ident])[0]
return 0 if len(hexval) == 0 else int(hexval, 16)
def __int__(self):
return int(self.__long__())
def marshal_string(val):
val = coerce_to_bytes(val)
assert isinstance(val, bytes), "Bad type for val_string input"
return "".join(
chr(b) if (0x20 <= b < 0x7F and b != 0x25)
else "%{:02x}".format(b)
for b in val)
def make_argword(arg, argtype, fnname, argindex, argname, to_preserve):
typename, consumed = argtype
if typename.startswith("opt_"):
if arg is None:
return "NULL"
typename = typename[4:]
if typename == "val_string":
retwords = childprocess.funcall("newstring", [marshal_string(arg)])
arg = make_retvals([typename], retwords, unpack_strings=False)[0]
if typename == "val_mpint" and isinstance(arg, numbers.Integral):
retwords = childprocess.funcall("mp_literal", ["0x{:x}".format(arg)])
arg = make_retvals([typename], retwords)[0]
if isinstance(arg, Value):
if arg._typename != typename:
raise TypeError(
"{}() argument #{:d} ({}) should be {} ({} given)".format(
fnname, argindex, argname, typename, arg._typename))
ident = arg._ident
if consumed:
return ident
if typename == "uint" and isinstance(arg, numbers.Integral):
return "0x{:x}".format(arg)
if typename == "boolean":
return "true" if arg else "false"
if typename in {
"hashalg", "macalg", "keyalg", "cipheralg",
"dh_group", "ecdh_alg", "rsaorder", "primegenpolicy",
"argon2flavour", "fptype", "httpdigesthash", "mlkem_params"}:
arg = coerce_to_bytes(arg)
if isinstance(arg, bytes) and b" " not in arg:
dictkey = (typename, arg)
if dictkey not in checked_enum_values:
retwords = childprocess.funcall("checkenum", [typename, arg])
assert len(retwords) == 1
checked_enum_values[dictkey] = (retwords[0] == b"ok")
if checked_enum_values[dictkey]:
return arg
if typename == "mpint_list":
sublist = [make_argword(len(arg), ("uint", False),
fnname, argindex, argname, to_preserve)]
for val in arg:
sublist.append(make_argword(val, ("val_mpint", False),
fnname, argindex, argname, to_preserve))
return b" ".join(coerce_to_bytes(sub) for sub in sublist)
if typename == "int16_list":
sublist = [make_argword(len(arg), ("uint", False),
fnname, argindex, argname, to_preserve)]
for val in arg:
sublist.append(make_argword(val & 0xFFFF, ("uint", False),
fnname, argindex, argname, to_preserve))
return b" ".join(coerce_to_bytes(sub) for sub in sublist)
raise TypeError(
"Can't convert {}() argument #{:d} ({}) to {} (value was {!r})".format(
fnname, argindex, argname, typename, arg))
def unpack_string(identifier):
retwords = childprocess.funcall("getstring", [identifier])
childprocess.funcall("free", [identifier])
return re.sub(b"%[0-9A-F][0-9A-F]",
lambda m: bytes([int(m.group(0)[1:], 16)]),
def unpack_mp(identifier):
retwords = childprocess.funcall("mp_dump", [identifier])
childprocess.funcall("free", [identifier])
return int(retwords[0], 16)
def make_retval(rettype, word, unpack_strings):
if rettype.startswith("opt_"):
if word == b"NULL":
return None
rettype = rettype[4:]
if rettype == "val_string" and unpack_strings:
return unpack_string(word)
if rettype == "val_keycomponents":
kc = {}
retwords = childprocess.funcall("key_components_count", [word])
for i in range(int(retwords[0], 0)):
args = [word, "{:d}".format(i)]
retwords = childprocess.funcall("key_components_nth_name", args)
kc_key = unpack_string(retwords[0])
retwords = childprocess.funcall("key_components_nth_str", args)
if retwords[0] != b"NULL":
kc_value = unpack_string(retwords[0]).decode("ASCII")
retwords = childprocess.funcall("key_components_nth_mp", args)
kc_value = unpack_mp(retwords[0])
kc[kc_key.decode("ASCII")] = kc_value
childprocess.funcall("free", [word])
return kc
if rettype.startswith("val_"):
return Value(rettype, word)
elif rettype == "int" or rettype == "uint":
return int(word, 0)
elif rettype == "boolean":
assert word == b"true" or word == b"false"
return word == b"true"
elif rettype in {"pocklestatus", "mr_result"}:
return word.decode("ASCII")
elif rettype == "int16_list":
return list(map(int, word.split(b',')))
raise TypeError("Can't deal with return value {!r} of type {!r}"
.format(word, rettype))
def make_retvals(rettypes, retwords, unpack_strings=True):
assert len(rettypes) == len(retwords) # FIXME: better exception
return [make_retval(rettype, word, unpack_strings)
for rettype, word in zip(rettypes, retwords)]
class Function(object):
def __init__(self, fnname, rettypes, retnames, argtypes, argnames):
self.fnname = fnname
self.rettypes = rettypes
self.retnames = retnames
self.argtypes = argtypes
self.argnames = argnames
def __repr__(self):
return "<Function {}({}) -> ({})>".format(
", ".join(("consumed " if c else "")+t+" "+n
for (t,c),n in zip(self.argtypes, self.argnames)),
", ".join((t+" "+n if n is not None else t)
for t,n in zip(self.rettypes, self.retnames)),
def __call__(self, *args):
if len(args) != len(self.argtypes):
raise TypeError(
"{}() takes exactly {} arguments ({} given)".format(
self.fnname, len(self.argtypes), len(args)))
to_preserve = []
retwords = childprocess.funcall(
self.fnname, [make_argword(args[i], self.argtypes[i],
self.fnname, i, self.argnames[i],
for i in range(len(args))])
retvals = make_retvals(self.rettypes, retwords)
if len(retvals) == 0:
return None
if len(retvals) == 1:
return retvals[0]
return tuple(retvals)
def _lex_testcrypt_header(header):
pat = re.compile(
# Skip any combination of whitespace and comments
'[ \t\n]', # whitespace
'/\\*(?:.|\n)*?\\*/', # C90-style /* ... */ comment, ended eagerly
'//[^\n]*\n', # C99-style comment to end-of-line
))) +
# And then match a token
# Punctuation
# Identifier
# End of string
pos = 0
end = len(header)
while pos < end:
m = pat.match(header, pos)
assert m is not None, (
"Failed to lex testcrypt-func.h at byte position {:d}".format(pos))
pos = m.end()
tok = m.group(1)
if len(tok) == 0:
assert pos == end, (
"Empty token should only be returned at end of string")
yield tok, m.start(1)
def _parse_testcrypt_header(tokens):
def is_id(tok):
return tok[0] in string.ascii_letters+"_"
def expect(what, why, eof_ok=False):
tok, pos = next(tokens)
if tok == '' and eof_ok:
return None
if hasattr(what, '__call__'):
description = lambda: ""
ok = what(tok)
elif isinstance(what, set):
description = lambda: " or ".join("'"+x+"' " for x in sorted(what))
ok = tok in what
description = lambda: "'"+what+"' "
ok = tok == what
if not ok:
sys.exit("testcrypt-func.h:{:d}: expected {}{}".format(
pos, description(), why))
return tok
while True:
tok = expect({"FUNC", "FUNC_WRAPPED"},
"at start of function specification", eof_ok=True)
if tok is None:
expect("(", "after FUNC")
rettype = expect(is_id, "return type")
expect(",", "after return type")
funcname = expect(is_id, "function name")
expect(",", "after function name")
args = []
firstargkind = expect({"ARG", "VOID"}, "at start of argument list")
if firstargkind == "VOID":
expect(")", "after VOID")
while True:
# Every time we come back to the top of this loop, we've
# just seen 'ARG'
expect("(", "after ARG")
argtype = expect(is_id, "argument type")
expect(",", "after argument type")
argname = expect(is_id, "argument name")
args.append((argtype, argname))
expect(")", "at end of ARG")
punct = expect({",", ")"}, "after argument")
if punct == ")":
expect("ARG", "to begin next argument")
yield funcname, rettype, args
def _setup(scope):
valprefix = "val_"
outprefix = "out_"
optprefix = "opt_"
consprefix = "consumed_"
def trim_argtype(arg):
if arg.startswith(optprefix):
return optprefix + trim_argtype(arg[len(optprefix):])
if (arg.startswith(valprefix) and
"_" in arg[len(valprefix):]):
# Strip suffixes like val_string_asciz
arg = arg[:arg.index("_", len(valprefix))]
return arg
with open(os.path.join(putty_srcdir, "test", "testcrypt-func.h")) as f:
header = f.read()
tokens = _lex_testcrypt_header(header)
for function, rettype, arglist in _parse_testcrypt_header(tokens):
rettypes = []
retnames = []
if rettype != "void":
argtypes = []
argnames = []
argsconsumed = []
for arg, argname in arglist:
if arg.startswith(outprefix):
consumed = False
if arg.startswith(consprefix):
arg = arg[len(consprefix):]
consumed = True
arg = trim_argtype(arg)
argtypes.append((arg, consumed))
func = Function(function, rettypes, retnames,
argtypes, argnames)
scope[function] = func
if len(argtypes) > 0:
t = argtypes[0][0]
if t in method_prefixes:
for prefix in method_prefixes[t]:
if function.startswith(prefix):
methodname = function[len(prefix):]
method_lists[t].append((methodname, func))
del _setup