mirror of https://git.tartarus.org/simon/putty.git synced 2025-03-12 18:13:50 -05:00
Simon Tatham 80623557c6 Stop using physical tabs in Python. (I was goaded into doing this by
my editor, which has defaulted to showing them as explicit ^I for a
while now, but it seems like a generally prudent idea in any case.)

[originally from svn r8472]
2009-02-28 23:04:58 +00:00

1094 lines
36 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python
import math
# Python code which draws the PuTTY icon components at a range of
# sizes.
# ----
# - use of alpha blending
# + try for variable-transparency borders
# - can we integrate the Mac icons into all this? Do we want to?
def pixel(x, y, colour, canvas):
canvas[(int(x),int(y))] = colour
def overlay(src, x, y, dst):
x = int(x)
y = int(y)
for (sx, sy), colour in src.items():
dst[sx+x, sy+y] = blend(colour, dst.get((sx+x, sy+y), cT))
def finalise(canvas):
for k in canvas.keys():
canvas[k] = finalisepix(canvas[k])
def bbox(canvas):
minx, miny, maxx, maxy = None, None, None, None
for (x, y) in canvas.keys():
if minx == None:
minx, miny, maxx, maxy = x, y, x+1, y+1
minx = min(minx, x)
miny = min(miny, y)
maxx = max(maxx, x+1)
maxy = max(maxy, y+1)
return (minx, miny, maxx, maxy)
def topy(canvas):
miny = {}
for (x, y) in canvas.keys():
miny[x] = min(miny.get(x, y), y)
return miny
def render(canvas, minx, miny, maxx, maxy):
w = maxx - minx
h = maxy - miny
ret = []
for y in range(h):
ret.append([outpix(cT)] * w)
for (x, y), colour in canvas.items():
if x >= minx and x < maxx and y >= miny and y < maxy:
ret[y-miny][x-minx] = outpix(colour)
return ret
# Code to actually draw pieces of icon. These don't generally worry
# about positioning within a canvas; they just draw at a standard
# location, return some useful coordinates, and leave composition
# to other pieces of code.
sqrthash = {}
def memoisedsqrt(x):
if not sqrthash.has_key(x):
sqrthash[x] = math.sqrt(x)
return sqrthash[x]
BR, TR, BL, TL = range(4) # enumeration of quadrants for border()
def border(canvas, thickness, squarecorners, out={}):
# I haven't yet worked out exactly how to do borders in a
# properly alpha-blended fashion.
# When you have two shades of dark available (half-dark H and
# full-dark F), the right sequence of circular border sections
# around a pixel x starts off with these two layouts:
# H F
# HxH FxF
# H F
# Where it goes after that I'm not entirely sure, but I'm
# absolutely sure those are the right places to start. However,
# every automated algorithm I've tried has always started off
# with the two layouts
# HxH HxH
# which looks much worse. This is true whether you do
# pixel-centre sampling (define an inner circle and an outer
# circle with radii differing by 1, set any pixel whose centre
# is inside the inner circle to F, any pixel whose centre is
# outside the outer one to nothing, interpolate between the two
# and round sensibly), _or_ whether you plot a notional circle
# of a given radius and measure the actual _proportion_ of each
# pixel square taken up by it.
# It's not clear what I should be doing to prevent this. One
# option is to attempt error-diffusion: Ian Jackson proved on
# paper that if you round each pixel's ideal value to the
# nearest of the available output values, then measure the
# error at each pixel, propagate that error outwards into the
# original values of the surrounding pixels, and re-round
# everything, you do get the correct second stage. However, I
# haven't tried it at a proper range of radii.
# Another option is that the automated mechanisms described
# above would be entirely adequate if it weren't for the fact
# that the human visual centres are adapted to detect
# horizontal and vertical lines in particular, so the only
# place you have to behave a bit differently is at the ends of
# the top and bottom row of pixels in the circle, and the top
# and bottom of the extreme columns.
# For the moment, what I have below is a very simple mechanism
# which always uses only one alpha level for any given border
# thickness, and which seems to work well enough for Windows
# 16-colour icons. Everything else will have to wait.
thickness = memoisedsqrt(thickness)
if thickness < 0.9:
darkness = 0.5
darkness = 1
if thickness < 1: thickness = 1
thickness = round(thickness - 0.5) + 0.3
out["borderthickness"] = thickness
dmax = int(round(thickness))
if dmax < thickness: dmax = dmax + 1
cquadrant = [[0] * (dmax+1) for x in range(dmax+1)]
squadrant = [[0] * (dmax+1) for x in range(dmax+1)]
for x in range(dmax+1):
for y in range(dmax+1):
if max(x, y) < thickness:
squadrant[x][y] = darkness
if memoisedsqrt(x*x+y*y) < thickness:
cquadrant[x][y] = darkness
bvalues = {}
for (x, y), colour in canvas.items():
for dx in range(-dmax, dmax+1):
for dy in range(-dmax, dmax+1):
quadrant = 2 * (dx < 0) + (dy < 0)
if (x, y, quadrant) in squarecorners:
bval = squadrant[abs(dx)][abs(dy)]
bval = cquadrant[abs(dx)][abs(dy)]
if bvalues.get((x+dx,y+dy),0) < bval:
bvalues[(x+dx,y+dy)] = bval
for (x, y), value in bvalues.items():
if not canvas.has_key((x,y)):
canvas[(x,y)] = dark(value)
def sysbox(size, out={}):
canvas = {}
# The system box of the computer.
height = int(round(3.6*size))
width = int(round(16.51*size))
depth = int(round(2*size))
highlight = int(round(1*size))
bothighlight = int(round(1*size))
out["sysboxheight"] = height
floppystart = int(round(19*size)) # measured in half-pixels
floppyend = int(round(29*size)) # measured in half-pixels
floppybottom = height - bothighlight
floppyrheight = 0.7 * size
floppyheight = int(round(floppyrheight))
if floppyheight < 1:
floppyheight = 1
floppytop = floppybottom - floppyheight
# The front panel is rectangular.
for x in range(width):
for y in range(height):
grey = 3
if x < highlight or y < highlight:
grey = grey + 1
if x >= width-highlight or y >= height-bothighlight:
grey = grey - 1
if y < highlight and x >= width-highlight:
v = (highlight-1-y) - (x-(width-highlight))
if v < 0:
grey = grey - 1
elif v > 0:
grey = grey + 1
if y >= floppytop and y < floppybottom and \
2*x+2 > floppystart and 2*x < floppyend:
if 2*x >= floppystart and 2*x+2 <= floppyend and \
floppyrheight >= 0.7:
grey = 0
grey = 2
pixel(x, y, greypix(grey/4.0), canvas)
# The side panel is a parallelogram.
for x in range(depth):
for y in range(height):
pixel(x+width, y-(x+1), greypix(0.5), canvas)
# The top panel is another parallelogram.
for x in range(width-1):
for y in range(depth):
grey = 3
if x >= width-1 - highlight:
grey = grey + 1
pixel(x+(y+1), -(y+1), greypix(grey/4.0), canvas)
# And draw a border.
border(canvas, size, [], out)
return canvas
def monitor(size):
canvas = {}
# The computer's monitor.
height = int(round(9.55*size))
width = int(round(11.49*size))
surround = int(round(1*size))
botsurround = int(round(2*size))
sheight = height - surround - botsurround
swidth = width - 2*surround
depth = int(round(2*size))
highlight = int(round(math.sqrt(size)))
shadow = int(round(0.55*size))
# The front panel is rectangular.
for x in range(width):
for y in range(height):
if x >= surround and y >= surround and \
x < surround+swidth and y < surround+sheight:
# Screen.
sx = (float(x-surround) - swidth/3) / swidth
sy = (float(y-surround) - sheight/3) / sheight
shighlight = 1.0 - (sx*sx+sy*sy)*0.27
pix = bluepix(shighlight)
if x < surround+shadow or y < surround+shadow:
pix = blend(cD, pix) # sharp-edged shadow on top and left
# Complicated double bevel on the screen surround.
# First, the outer bevel. We compute the distance
# from this pixel to each edge of the front
# rectangle.
list = [
(x, +1),
(y, +1),
(width-1-x, -1),
(height-1-y, -1)
# Now sort the list to find the distance to the
# _nearest_ edge, or the two joint nearest.
# If there's one nearest edge, that determines our
# bevel colour. If there are two joint nearest, our
# bevel colour is their shared one if they agree,
# and neutral otherwise.
outerbevel = 0
if list[0][0] < list[1][0] or list[0][1] == list[1][1]:
if list[0][0] < highlight:
outerbevel = list[0][1]
# Now, the inner bevel. We compute the distance
# from this pixel to each edge of the screen
# itself.
list = [
(surround-1-x, -1),
(surround-1-y, -1),
(x-(surround+swidth), +1),
(y-(surround+sheight), +1)
# Now we sort to find the _maximum_ distance, which
# conveniently ignores any less than zero.
# And now the strategy is pretty much the same as
# above, only we're working from the opposite end
# of the list.
innerbevel = 0
if list[-1][0] > list[-2][0] or list[-1][1] == list[-2][1]:
if list[-1][0] >= 0 and list[-1][0] < highlight:
innerbevel = list[-1][1]
# Now we know the adjustment we want to make to the
# pixel's overall grey shade due to the outer
# bevel, and due to the inner one. We break a tie
# in favour of a light outer bevel, but otherwise
# add.
grey = 3
if outerbevel > 0 or outerbevel == innerbevel:
innerbevel = 0
grey = grey + outerbevel + innerbevel
pix = greypix(grey / 4.0)
pixel(x, y, pix, canvas)
# The side panel is a parallelogram.
for x in range(depth):
for y in range(height):
pixel(x+width, y-x, greypix(0.5), canvas)
# The top panel is another parallelogram.
for x in range(width):
for y in range(depth-1):
pixel(x+(y+1), -(y+1), greypix(0.75), canvas)
# And draw a border.
border(canvas, size, [(0,int(height-1),BL)])
return canvas
def computer(size):
# Monitor plus sysbox.
out = {}
m = monitor(size)
s = sysbox(size, out)
x = int(round((2+size/(size+1))*size))
y = int(out["sysboxheight"] + out["borderthickness"])
mb = bbox(m)
sb = bbox(s)
xoff = sb[0] - mb[0] + x
yoff = sb[3] - mb[3] - y
overlay(m, xoff, yoff, s)
return s
def lightning(size):
canvas = {}
# The lightning bolt motif.
# We always want this to be an even number of pixels in height,
# and an odd number in width.
width = round(7*size) * 2 - 1
height = round(8*size) * 2
# The outer edge of each side of the bolt goes to this point.
outery = round(8.4*size)
outerx = round(11*size)
# And the inner edge goes to this point.
innery = height - 1 - outery
innerx = round(7*size)
for y in range(int(height)):
list = []
if y <= outery:
list.append(width-1-int(outerx * float(y) / outery + 0.3))
if y <= innery:
list.append(width-1-int(innerx * float(y) / innery + 0.3))
y0 = height-1-y
if y0 <= outery:
list.append(int(outerx * float(y0) / outery + 0.3))
if y0 <= innery:
list.append(int(innerx * float(y0) / innery + 0.3))
for x in range(int(list[0]), int(list[-1]+1)):
pixel(x, y, cY, canvas)
# And draw a border.
border(canvas, size, [(int(width-1),0,TR), (0,int(height-1),BL)])
return canvas
def document(size):
canvas = {}
# The document used in the PSCP/PSFTP icon.
width = round(13*size)
height = round(16*size)
lineht = round(1*size)
if lineht < 1: lineht = 1
linespc = round(0.7*size)
if linespc < 1: linespc = 1
nlines = int((height-linespc)/(lineht+linespc))
height = nlines*(lineht+linespc)+linespc # round this so it fits better
# Start by drawing a big white rectangle.
for y in range(int(height)):
for x in range(int(width)):
pixel(x, y, cW, canvas)
# Now draw lines of text.
for line in range(nlines):
# Decide where this line of text begins.
if line == 0:
start = round(4*size)
elif line < 5*nlines/7:
start = round((line - (nlines/7)) * size)
start = round(1*size)
if start < round(1*size):
start = round(1*size)
# Decide where it ends.
endpoints = [10, 8, 11, 6, 5, 7, 5]
ey = line * 6.0 / (nlines-1)
eyf = math.floor(ey)
eyc = math.ceil(ey)
exf = endpoints[int(eyf)]
exc = endpoints[int(eyc)]
if eyf == eyc:
end = exf
end = exf * (eyc-ey) + exc * (ey-eyf)
end = round(end * size)
liney = height - (lineht+linespc) * (line+1)
for x in range(int(start), int(end)):
for y in range(int(lineht)):
pixel(x, y+liney, cK, canvas)
# And draw a border.
border(canvas, size, \
[(0,0,TL),(int(width-1),0,TR),(0,int(height-1),BL), \
return canvas
def hat(size):
canvas = {}
# The secret-agent hat in the Pageant icon.
topa = [6]*9+[5,3,1,0,0,1,2,2,1,1,1,9,9,10,10,11,11,12,12]
topa = [round(x*size) for x in topa]
botl = round(topa[0]+2.4*math.sqrt(size))
botr = round(topa[-1]+2.4*math.sqrt(size))
width = round(len(topa)*size)
# Line equations for the top and bottom of the hat brim, in the
# form y=mx+c. c, of course, needs scaling by size, but m is
# independent of size.
brimm = 1.0 / 3.75
brimtopc = round(4*size/3)
brimbotc = round(10*size/3)
for x in range(int(width)):
xs = float(x) * (len(topa)-1) / (width-1)
xf = math.floor(xs)
xc = math.ceil(xs)
topf = topa[int(xf)]
topc = topa[int(xc)]
if xf == xc:
top = topf
top = topf * (xc-xs) + topc * (xs-xf)
top = math.floor(top)
bot = round(botl + (botr-botl) * x/(width-1))
for y in range(int(top), int(bot)):
pixel(x, y, cK, canvas)
# Now draw the brim.
for x in range(int(width)):
brimtop = brimtopc + brimm * x
brimbot = brimbotc + brimm * x
for y in range(int(math.floor(brimtop)), int(math.ceil(brimbot))):
tophere = max(min(brimtop - y, 1), 0)
bothere = max(min(brimbot - y, 1), 0)
grey = bothere - tophere
# Only draw brim pixels over pixels which are (a) part
# of the main hat, and (b) not right on its edge.
if canvas.has_key((x,y)) and \
canvas.has_key((x,y-1)) and \
canvas.has_key((x,y+1)) and \
canvas.has_key((x-1,y)) and \
pixel(x, y, greypix(grey), canvas)
return canvas
def key(size):
canvas = {}
# The key in the PuTTYgen icon.
keyheadw = round(9.5*size)
keyheadh = round(12*size)
keyholed = round(4*size)
keyholeoff = round(2*size)
# Ensure keyheadh and keyshafth have the same parity.
keyshafth = round((2*size - (int(keyheadh)&1)) / 2) * 2 + (int(keyheadh)&1)
keyshaftw = round(18.5*size)
keyhead = [round(x*size) for x in [12,11,8,10,9,8,11,12]]
squarepix = []
# Ellipse for the key head, minus an off-centre circular hole.
for y in range(int(keyheadh)):
dy = (y-(keyheadh-1)/2.0) / (keyheadh/2.0)
dyh = (y-(keyheadh-1)/2.0) / (keyholed/2.0)
for x in range(int(keyheadw)):
dx = (x-(keyheadw-1)/2.0) / (keyheadw/2.0)
dxh = (x-(keyheadw-1)/2.0-keyholeoff) / (keyholed/2.0)
if dy*dy+dx*dx <= 1 and dyh*dyh+dxh*dxh > 1:
pixel(x + keyshaftw, y, cy, canvas)
# Rectangle for the key shaft, extended at the bottom for the
# key head detail.
for x in range(int(keyshaftw)):
top = round((keyheadh - keyshafth) / 2)
bot = round((keyheadh + keyshafth) / 2)
xs = float(x) * (len(keyhead)-1) / round((len(keyhead)-1)*size)
xf = math.floor(xs)
xc = math.ceil(xs)
in_head = 0
if xc < len(keyhead):
in_head = 1
yf = keyhead[int(xf)]
yc = keyhead[int(xc)]
if xf == xc:
bot = yf
bot = yf * (xc-xs) + yc * (xs-xf)
for y in range(int(top),int(bot)):
pixel(x, y, cy, canvas)
if in_head:
last = (x, y)
if x == 0:
squarepix.append((x, int(top), TL))
if x == 0:
squarepix.append(last + (BL,))
if last != None and not in_head:
squarepix.append(last + (BR,))
last = None
# And draw a border.
border(canvas, size, squarepix)
return canvas
def linedist(x1,y1, x2,y2, x,y):
# Compute the distance from the point x,y to the line segment
# joining x1,y1 to x2,y2. Returns the distance vector, measured
# with x,y at the origin.
vectors = []
# Special case: if x1,y1 and x2,y2 are the same point, we
# don't attempt to extrapolate it into a line at all.
if x1 != x2 or y1 != y2:
# First, find the nearest point to x,y on the infinite
# projection of the line segment. So we construct a vector
# n perpendicular to that segment...
nx = y2-y1
ny = x1-x2
# ... compute the dot product of (x1,y1)-(x,y) with that
# vector...
nd = (x1-x)*nx + (y1-y)*ny
# ... multiply by the vector we first thought of...
ndx = nd * nx
ndy = nd * ny
# ... and divide twice by the length of n.
ndx = ndx / (nx*nx+ny*ny)
ndy = ndy / (nx*nx+ny*ny)
# That gives us a displacement vector from x,y to the
# nearest point. See if it's within the range of the line
# segment.
cx = x + ndx
cy = y + ndy
if cx >= min(x1,x2) and cx <= max(x1,x2) and \
cy >= min(y1,y2) and cy <= max(y1,y2):
# Now we have up to three candidate result vectors: (ndx,ndy)
# as computed just above, and the two vectors to the ends of
# the line segment, (x1-x,y1-y) and (x2-x,y2-y). Pick the
# shortest.
vectors = vectors + [(x1-x,y1-y), (x2-x,y2-y)]
bestlen, best = None, None
for v in vectors:
vlen = v[0]*v[0]+v[1]*v[1]
if bestlen == None or bestlen > vlen:
bestlen = vlen
best = v
return best
def spanner(size):
canvas = {}
# The spanner in the config box icon.
headcentre = 0.5 + round(4*size)
headradius = headcentre + 0.1
headhighlight = round(1.5*size)
holecentre = 0.5 + round(3*size)
holeradius = round(2*size)
holehighlight = round(1.5*size)
shaftend = 0.5 + round(25*size)
shaftwidth = round(2*size)
shafthighlight = round(1.5*size)
cmax = shaftend + shaftwidth
# Define three line segments, such that the shortest distance
# vectors from any point to each of these segments determines
# everything we need to know about where it is on the spanner
# shape.
segments = [
((0,0), (holecentre, holecentre)),
((headcentre, headcentre), (headcentre, headcentre)),
((headcentre+headradius/math.sqrt(2), headcentre+headradius/math.sqrt(2)),
(cmax, cmax))
for y in range(int(cmax)):
for x in range(int(cmax)):
vectors = [linedist(a,b,c,d,x,y) for ((a,b),(c,d)) in segments]
dists = [memoisedsqrt(vx*vx+vy*vy) for (vx,vy) in vectors]
# If the distance to the hole line is less than
# holeradius, we're not part of the spanner.
if dists[0] < holeradius:
# If the distance to the head `line' is less than
# headradius, we are part of the spanner; likewise if
# the distance to the shaft line is less than
# shaftwidth _and_ the resulting shaft point isn't
# beyond the shaft end.
if dists[1] > headradius and \
(dists[2] > shaftwidth or x+vectors[2][0] >= shaftend):
# We're part of the spanner. Now compute the highlight
# on this pixel. We do this by computing a `slope
# vector', which points from this pixel in the
# direction of its nearest edge. We store an array of
# slope vectors, in polar coordinates.
angles = [math.atan2(vy,vx) for (vx,vy) in vectors]
slopes = []
if dists[0] < holeradius + holehighlight:
if dists[1]/headradius < dists[2]/shaftwidth:
if dists[1] > headradius - headhighlight and dists[1] < headradius:
if dists[2] > shaftwidth - shafthighlight and dists[2] < shaftwidth:
# Now we find the smallest distance in that array, if
# any, and that gives us a notional position on a
# sphere which we can use to compute the final
# highlight level.
bestdist = None
bestangle = 0
for dist, angle in slopes:
if bestdist == None or bestdist > dist:
bestdist = dist
bestangle = angle
if bestdist == None:
bestdist = 1.0
sx = (1.0-bestdist) * math.cos(bestangle)
sy = (1.0-bestdist) * math.sin(bestangle)
sz = math.sqrt(1.0 - sx*sx - sy*sy)
shade = sx-sy+sz / math.sqrt(3) # can range from -1 to +1
shade = 1.0 - (1-shade)/3
pixel(x, y, yellowpix(shade), canvas)
# And draw a border.
border(canvas, size, [])
return canvas
def box(size, back):
canvas = {}
# The back side of the cardboard box in the installer icon.
boxwidth = round(15 * size)
boxheight = round(12 * size)
boxdepth = round(4 * size)
boxfrontflapheight = round(5 * size)
boxrightflapheight = round(3 * size)
# Three shades of basically acceptable brown, all achieved by
# halftoning between two of the Windows-16 colours. I'm quite
# pleased that was feasible at all!
dark = halftone(cr, cK)
med = halftone(cr, cy)
light = halftone(cr, cY)
# We define our halftoning parity in such a way that the black
# pixels along the RHS of the visible part of the box back
# match up with the one-pixel black outline around the
# right-hand side of the box. In other words, we want the pixel
# at (-1, boxwidth-1) to be black, and hence the one at (0,
# boxwidth) too.
parityadjust = int(boxwidth) % 2
# The entire back of the box.
if back:
for x in range(int(boxwidth + boxdepth)):
ytop = max(-x-1, -boxdepth-1)
ybot = min(boxheight, boxheight+boxwidth-1-x)
for y in range(int(ytop), int(ybot)):
pixel(x, y, dark[(x+y+parityadjust) % 2], canvas)
# Even when drawing the back of the box, we still draw the
# whole shape, because that means we get the right overall size
# (the flaps make the box front larger than the box back) and
# it'll all be overwritten anyway.
# The front face of the box.
for x in range(int(boxwidth)):
for y in range(int(boxheight)):
pixel(x, y, med[(x+y+parityadjust) % 2], canvas)
# The right face of the box.
for x in range(int(boxwidth), int(boxwidth+boxdepth)):
ybot = boxheight + boxwidth-x
ytop = ybot - boxheight
for y in range(int(ytop), int(ybot)):
pixel(x, y, dark[(x+y+parityadjust) % 2], canvas)
# The front flap of the box.
for y in range(int(boxfrontflapheight)):
xadj = int(round(-0.5*y))
for x in range(int(xadj), int(xadj+boxwidth)):
pixel(x, y, light[(x+y+parityadjust) % 2], canvas)
# The right flap of the box.
for x in range(int(boxwidth), int(boxwidth + boxdepth + boxrightflapheight + 1)):
ytop = max(boxwidth - 1 - x, x - boxwidth - 2*boxdepth - 1)
ybot = min(x - boxwidth - 1, boxwidth + 2*boxrightflapheight - 1 - x)
for y in range(int(ytop), int(ybot+1)):
pixel(x, y, med[(x+y+parityadjust) % 2], canvas)
# And draw a border.
border(canvas, size, [(0, int(boxheight)-1, BL)])
return canvas
def boxback(size):
return box(size, 1)
def boxfront(size):
return box(size, 0)
# Functions to draw entire icons by composing the above components.
def xybolt(c1, c2, size, boltoffx=0, boltoffy=0, aux={}):
# Two unspecified objects and a lightning bolt.
canvas = {}
w = h = round(32 * size)
bolt = lightning(size)
# Position c2 against the top right of the icon.
bb = bbox(c2)
assert bb[2]-bb[0] <= w and bb[3]-bb[1] <= h
overlay(c2, w-bb[2], 0-bb[1], canvas)
aux["c2pos"] = (w-bb[2], 0-bb[1])
# Position c1 against the bottom left of the icon.
bb = bbox(c1)
assert bb[2]-bb[0] <= w and bb[3]-bb[1] <= h
overlay(c1, 0-bb[0], h-bb[3], canvas)
aux["c1pos"] = (0-bb[0], h-bb[3])
# Place the lightning bolt artistically off-centre. (The
# rationale for this positioning is that it's centred on the
# midpoint between the centres of the two monitors in the PuTTY
# icon proper, but it's not really feasible to _base_ the
# calculation here on that.)
bb = bbox(bolt)
assert bb[2]-bb[0] <= w and bb[3]-bb[1] <= h
overlay(bolt, (w-bb[0]-bb[2])/2 + round(boltoffx*size), \
(h-bb[1]-bb[3])/2 + round((boltoffy-2)*size), canvas)
return canvas
def putty_icon(size):
return xybolt(computer(size), computer(size), size)
def puttycfg_icon(size):
w = h = round(32 * size)
s = spanner(size)
canvas = putty_icon(size)
# Centre the spanner.
bb = bbox(s)
overlay(s, (w-bb[0]-bb[2])/2, (h-bb[1]-bb[3])/2, canvas)
return canvas
def puttygen_icon(size):
return xybolt(computer(size), key(size), size, boltoffx=2)
def pscp_icon(size):
return xybolt(document(size), computer(size), size)
def puttyins_icon(size):
aret = {}
# The box back goes behind the lightning bolt.
canvas = xybolt(boxback(size), computer(size), size, boltoffx=-2, boltoffy=+1, aux=aret)
# But the box front goes over the top, so that the lightning
# bolt appears to come _out_ of the box. Here it's useful to
# know the exact coordinates where xybolt placed the box back,
# so we can overlay the box front exactly on top of it.
c1x, c1y = aret["c1pos"]
overlay(boxfront(size), c1x, c1y, canvas)
return canvas
def pterm_icon(size):
# Just a really big computer.
canvas = {}
w = h = round(32 * size)
c = computer(size * 1.4)
# Centre c in the return canvas.
bb = bbox(c)
assert bb[2]-bb[0] <= w and bb[3]-bb[1] <= h
overlay(c, (w-bb[0]-bb[2])/2, (h-bb[1]-bb[3])/2, canvas)
return canvas
def ptermcfg_icon(size):
w = h = round(32 * size)
s = spanner(size)
canvas = pterm_icon(size)
# Centre the spanner.
bb = bbox(s)
overlay(s, (w-bb[0]-bb[2])/2, (h-bb[1]-bb[3])/2, canvas)
return canvas
def pageant_icon(size):
# A biggish computer, in a hat.
canvas = {}
w = h = round(32 * size)
c = computer(size * 1.2)
ht = hat(size)
cbb = bbox(c)
hbb = bbox(ht)
# Determine the relative y-coordinates of the computer and hat.
# We just centre the one on the other.
xrel = (cbb[0]+cbb[2]-hbb[0]-hbb[2])/2
# Determine the relative y-coordinates of the computer and hat.
# We do this by sitting the hat as low down on the computer as
# possible without any computer showing over the top. To do
# this we first have to find the minimum x coordinate at each
# y-coordinate of both components.
cty = topy(c)
hty = topy(ht)
yrelmin = None
for cx in cty.keys():
hx = cx - xrel
assert hty.has_key(hx)
yrel = cty[cx] - hty[hx]
if yrelmin == None:
yrelmin = yrel
yrelmin = min(yrelmin, yrel)
# Overlay the hat on the computer.
overlay(ht, xrel, yrelmin, c)
# And centre the result in the main icon canvas.
bb = bbox(c)
assert bb[2]-bb[0] <= w and bb[3]-bb[1] <= h
overlay(c, (w-bb[0]-bb[2])/2, (h-bb[1]-bb[3])/2, canvas)
return canvas
# Test and output functions.
import os
import sys
def testrun(func, fname):
canvases = []
for size in [0.5, 0.6, 1.0, 1.2, 1.5, 4.0]:
wid = 0
ht = 0
for canvas in canvases:
minx, miny, maxx, maxy = bbox(canvas)
wid = max(wid, maxx-minx+4)
ht = ht + maxy-miny+4
block = []
for canvas in canvases:
minx, miny, maxx, maxy = bbox(canvas)
block.extend(render(canvas, minx-2, miny-2, minx-2+wid, maxy+2))
p = os.popen("convert -depth 8 -size %dx%d rgb:- %s" % (wid,ht,fname), "w")
assert len(block) == ht
for line in block:
assert len(line) == wid
for r, g, b, a in line:
# Composite on to orange.
r = int(round((r * a + 255 * (255-a)) / 255.0))
g = int(round((g * a + 128 * (255-a)) / 255.0))
b = int(round((b * a + 0 * (255-a)) / 255.0))
p.write("%c%c%c" % (r,g,b))
def drawicon(func, width, fname, orangebackground = 0):
canvas = func(width / 32.0)
minx, miny, maxx, maxy = bbox(canvas)
assert minx >= 0 and miny >= 0 and maxx <= width and maxy <= width
block = render(canvas, 0, 0, width, width)
p = os.popen("convert -depth 8 -size %dx%d rgba:- %s" % (width,width,fname), "w")
assert len(block) == width
for line in block:
assert len(line) == width
for r, g, b, a in line:
if orangebackground:
# Composite on to orange.
r = int(round((r * a + 255 * (255-a)) / 255.0))
g = int(round((g * a + 128 * (255-a)) / 255.0))
b = int(round((b * a + 0 * (255-a)) / 255.0))
a = 255
p.write("%c%c%c%c" % (r,g,b,a))
args = sys.argv[1:]
orangebackground = test = 0
colours = 1 # 0=mono, 1=16col, 2=truecol
doingargs = 1
realargs = []
for arg in args:
if doingargs and arg[0] == "-":
if arg == "-t":
test = 1
elif arg == "-it":
orangebackground = 1
elif arg == "-2":
colours = 0
elif arg == "-T":
colours = 2
elif arg == "--":
doingargs = 0
sys.stderr.write("unrecognised option '%s'\n" % arg)
if colours == 0:
# Monochrome.
cK=cr=cg=cb=cm=cc=cP=cw=cR=cG=cB=cM=cC=cD = 0
cY=cy=cW = 1
cT = -1
def greypix(value):
return [cK,cW][int(round(value))]
def yellowpix(value):
return [cK,cW][int(round(value))]
def bluepix(value):
return cK
def dark(value):
return [cT,cK][int(round(value))]
def blend(col1, col2):
if col1 == cT:
return col2
return col1
pixvals = [
(0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF), # cK
(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF), # cW
(0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00), # cT
def outpix(colour):
return pixvals[colour]
def finalisepix(colour):
return colour
def halftone(col1, col2):
return (col1, col2)
elif colours == 1:
# Windows 16-colour palette.
cK,cr,cg,cy,cb,cm,cc,cP,cw,cR,cG,cY,cB,cM,cC,cW = range(16)
cT = -1
cD = -2 # special translucent half-darkening value used internally
def greypix(value):
return [cK,cw,cw,cP,cW][int(round(4*value))]
def yellowpix(value):
return [cK,cy,cY][int(round(2*value))]
def bluepix(value):
return [cK,cb,cB][int(round(2*value))]
def dark(value):
return [cT,cD,cK][int(round(2*value))]
def blend(col1, col2):
if col1 == cT:
return col2
elif col1 == cD:
return [cK,cK,cK,cK,cK,cK,cK,cw,cK,cr,cg,cy,cb,cm,cc,cw,cD,cD][col2]
return col1
pixvals = [
(0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF), # cK
(0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF), # cr
(0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0xFF), # cg
(0x80, 0x80, 0x00, 0xFF), # cy
(0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0xFF), # cb
(0x80, 0x00, 0x80, 0xFF), # cm
(0x00, 0x80, 0x80, 0xFF), # cc
(0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xFF), # cP
(0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0xFF), # cw
(0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF), # cR
(0x00, 0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF), # cG
(0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF), # cY
(0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF), # cB
(0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF), # cM
(0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF), # cC
(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF), # cW
(0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80), # cD
(0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00), # cT
def outpix(colour):
return pixvals[colour]
def finalisepix(colour):
# cD is used internally, but can't be output. Convert to cK.
if colour == cD:
return cK
return colour
def halftone(col1, col2):
return (col1, col2)
# True colour.
cK = (0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF)
cr = (0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF)
cg = (0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0xFF)
cy = (0x80, 0x80, 0x00, 0xFF)
cb = (0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0xFF)
cm = (0x80, 0x00, 0x80, 0xFF)
cc = (0x00, 0x80, 0x80, 0xFF)
cP = (0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xFF)
cw = (0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0xFF)
cR = (0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF)
cG = (0x00, 0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF)
cY = (0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF)
cB = (0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF)
cM = (0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF)
cC = (0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF)
cW = (0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF)
cD = (0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80)
cT = (0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00)
def greypix(value):
value = max(min(value, 1), 0)
return (int(round(0xFF*value)),) * 3 + (0xFF,)
def yellowpix(value):
value = max(min(value, 1), 0)
return (int(round(0xFF*value)),) * 2 + (0, 0xFF)
def bluepix(value):
value = max(min(value, 1), 0)
return (0, 0, int(round(0xFF*value)), 0xFF)
def dark(value):
value = max(min(value, 1), 0)
return (0, 0, 0, int(round(0xFF*value)))
def blend(col1, col2):
r1,g1,b1,a1 = col1
r2,g2,b2,a2 = col2
r = int(round((r1*a1 + r2*(0xFF-a1)) / 255.0))
g = int(round((g1*a1 + g2*(0xFF-a1)) / 255.0))
b = int(round((b1*a1 + b2*(0xFF-a1)) / 255.0))
a = int(round((255*a1 + a2*(0xFF-a1)) / 255.0))
return r, g, b, a
def outpix(colour):
return colour
if colours == 2:
# True colour with no alpha blending: we still have to
# finalise half-dark pixels to black.
def finalisepix(colour):
if colour[3] > 0:
return colour[:3] + (0xFF,)
return colour
def finalisepix(colour):
return colour
def halftone(col1, col2):
r1,g1,b1,a1 = col1
r2,g2,b2,a2 = col2
colret = (int(r1+r2)/2, int(g1+g2)/2, int(b1+b2)/2, int(a1+a2)/2)
return (colret, colret)
if test:
testrun(eval(realargs[0]), realargs[1])
drawicon(eval(realargs[0]), int(realargs[1]), realargs[2], orangebackground)