mirror of https://git.tartarus.org/simon/putty.git synced 2025-03-19 13:25:26 -05:00
Simon Tatham 1a03fa9292 Support for Windows 7 jump lists (right-click on a program's taskbar
icon, even if the program isn't running at the time, to be presented
with an application-defined collection of helpful links). The current
jump list is updated every time a saved session is loaded, and shows
the last few launchable saved sessions (i.e. not those like Default
Settings) that were loaded. Also, if Pageant or PuTTYgen or both is in
the same directory as the PuTTY binary, the jump list will present
links to launch those too.

Based on a patch sent last year by Daniel B. Roy, though it's barely
recognisable any more...

[originally from svn r9046]
2010-12-23 17:32:28 +00:00

699 lines
22 KiB

* winjump.c: support for Windows 7 jump lists.
* The Windows 7 jumplist is a customizable list defined by the
* application. It is persistent across application restarts: the OS
* maintains the list when the app is not running. The list is shown
* when the user right-clicks on the taskbar button of a running app
* or a pinned non-running application. We use the jumplist to
* maintain a list of recently started saved sessions, started either
* by doubleclicking on a saved session, or with the command line
* "-load" parameter.
* Since the jumplist is write-only: it can only be replaced and the
* current list cannot be read, we must maintain the contents of the
* list persistantly in the registry. The file winstore.h contains
* functions to directly manipulate these registry entries. This file
* contains higher level functions to manipulate the jumplist.
#include <assert.h>
#include "putty.h"
#include "storage.h"
#define MAX_JUMPLIST_ITEMS 30 /* PuTTY will never show more items in
* the jumplist than this, regardless of
* user preferences. */
* COM structures and functions.
typedef struct _tagpropertykey {
GUID fmtid;
DWORD pid;
#define IID_IShellLink IID_IShellLinkA
typedef struct ICustomDestinationListVtbl {
HRESULT ( __stdcall *QueryInterface ) (
/* [in] ICustomDestinationList*/ void *This,
/* [in] */ const GUID * const riid,
/* [out] */ void **ppvObject);
ULONG ( __stdcall *AddRef )(
/* [in] ICustomDestinationList*/ void *This);
ULONG ( __stdcall *Release )(
/* [in] ICustomDestinationList*/ void *This);
HRESULT ( __stdcall *SetAppID )(
/* [in] ICustomDestinationList*/ void *This,
/* [string][in] */ LPCWSTR pszAppID);
HRESULT ( __stdcall *BeginList )(
/* [in] ICustomDestinationList*/ void *This,
/* [out] */ UINT *pcMinSlots,
/* [in] */ const GUID * const riid,
/* [out] */ void **ppv);
HRESULT ( __stdcall *AppendCategory )(
/* [in] ICustomDestinationList*/ void *This,
/* [string][in] */ LPCWSTR pszCategory,
/* [in] IObjectArray*/ void *poa);
HRESULT ( __stdcall *AppendKnownCategory )(
/* [in] ICustomDestinationList*/ void *This,
/* [in] KNOWNDESTCATEGORY*/ int category);
HRESULT ( __stdcall *AddUserTasks )(
/* [in] ICustomDestinationList*/ void *This,
/* [in] IObjectArray*/ void *poa);
HRESULT ( __stdcall *CommitList )(
/* [in] ICustomDestinationList*/ void *This);
HRESULT ( __stdcall *GetRemovedDestinations )(
/* [in] ICustomDestinationList*/ void *This,
/* [in] */ const IID * const riid,
/* [out] */ void **ppv);
HRESULT ( __stdcall *DeleteList )(
/* [in] ICustomDestinationList*/ void *This,
/* [string][unique][in] */ LPCWSTR pszAppID);
HRESULT ( __stdcall *AbortList )(
/* [in] ICustomDestinationList*/ void *This);
} ICustomDestinationListVtbl;
typedef struct ICustomDestinationList
ICustomDestinationListVtbl *lpVtbl;
} ICustomDestinationList;
typedef struct IObjectArrayVtbl
HRESULT ( __stdcall *QueryInterface )(
/* [in] IObjectArray*/ void *This,
/* [in] */ const GUID * const riid,
/* [out] */ void **ppvObject);
ULONG ( __stdcall *AddRef )(
/* [in] IObjectArray*/ void *This);
ULONG ( __stdcall *Release )(
/* [in] IObjectArray*/ void *This);
HRESULT ( __stdcall *GetCount )(
/* [in] IObjectArray*/ void *This,
/* [out] */ UINT *pcObjects);
HRESULT ( __stdcall *GetAt )(
/* [in] IObjectArray*/ void *This,
/* [in] */ UINT uiIndex,
/* [in] */ const GUID * const riid,
/* [out] */ void **ppv);
} IObjectArrayVtbl;
typedef struct IObjectArray
IObjectArrayVtbl *lpVtbl;
} IObjectArray;
typedef struct IShellLinkVtbl
HRESULT ( __stdcall *QueryInterface )(
/* [in] IShellLink*/ void *This,
/* [in] */ const GUID * const riid,
/* [out] */ void **ppvObject);
ULONG ( __stdcall *AddRef )(
/* [in] IShellLink*/ void *This);
ULONG ( __stdcall *Release )(
/* [in] IShellLink*/ void *This);
HRESULT ( __stdcall *GetPath )(
/* [in] IShellLink*/ void *This,
/* [string][out] */ LPSTR pszFile,
/* [in] */ int cch,
/* [unique][out][in] */ WIN32_FIND_DATAA *pfd,
/* [in] */ DWORD fFlags);
HRESULT ( __stdcall *GetIDList )(
/* [in] IShellLink*/ void *This,
/* [out] LPITEMIDLIST*/ void **ppidl);
HRESULT ( __stdcall *SetIDList )(
/* [in] IShellLink*/ void *This,
/* [in] LPITEMIDLIST*/ void *pidl);
HRESULT ( __stdcall *GetDescription )(
/* [in] IShellLink*/ void *This,
/* [string][out] */ LPSTR pszName,
/* [in] */ int cch);
HRESULT ( __stdcall *SetDescription )(
/* [in] IShellLink*/ void *This,
/* [string][in] */ LPCSTR pszName);
HRESULT ( __stdcall *GetWorkingDirectory )(
/* [in] IShellLink*/ void *This,
/* [string][out] */ LPSTR pszDir,
/* [in] */ int cch);
HRESULT ( __stdcall *SetWorkingDirectory )(
/* [in] IShellLink*/ void *This,
/* [string][in] */ LPCSTR pszDir);
HRESULT ( __stdcall *GetArguments )(
/* [in] IShellLink*/ void *This,
/* [string][out] */ LPSTR pszArgs,
/* [in] */ int cch);
HRESULT ( __stdcall *SetArguments )(
/* [in] IShellLink*/ void *This,
/* [string][in] */ LPCSTR pszArgs);
HRESULT ( __stdcall *GetHotkey )(
/* [in] IShellLink*/ void *This,
/* [out] */ WORD *pwHotkey);
HRESULT ( __stdcall *SetHotkey )(
/* [in] IShellLink*/ void *This,
/* [in] */ WORD wHotkey);
HRESULT ( __stdcall *GetShowCmd )(
/* [in] IShellLink*/ void *This,
/* [out] */ int *piShowCmd);
HRESULT ( __stdcall *SetShowCmd )(
/* [in] IShellLink*/ void *This,
/* [in] */ int iShowCmd);
HRESULT ( __stdcall *GetIconLocation )(
/* [in] IShellLink*/ void *This,
/* [string][out] */ LPSTR pszIconPath,
/* [in] */ int cch,
/* [out] */ int *piIcon);
HRESULT ( __stdcall *SetIconLocation )(
/* [in] IShellLink*/ void *This,
/* [string][in] */ LPCSTR pszIconPath,
/* [in] */ int iIcon);
HRESULT ( __stdcall *SetRelativePath )(
/* [in] IShellLink*/ void *This,
/* [string][in] */ LPCSTR pszPathRel,
/* [in] */ DWORD dwReserved);
HRESULT ( __stdcall *Resolve )(
/* [in] IShellLink*/ void *This,
/* [unique][in] */ HWND hwnd,
/* [in] */ DWORD fFlags);
HRESULT ( __stdcall *SetPath )(
/* [in] IShellLink*/ void *This,
/* [string][in] */ LPCSTR pszFile);
} IShellLinkVtbl;
typedef struct IShellLink
IShellLinkVtbl *lpVtbl;
} IShellLink;
typedef struct IObjectCollectionVtbl
HRESULT ( __stdcall *QueryInterface )(
/* [in] IShellLink*/ void *This,
/* [in] */ const GUID * const riid,
/* [out] */ void **ppvObject);
ULONG ( __stdcall *AddRef )(
/* [in] IShellLink*/ void *This);
ULONG ( __stdcall *Release )(
/* [in] IShellLink*/ void *This);
HRESULT ( __stdcall *GetCount )(
/* [in] IShellLink*/ void *This,
/* [out] */ UINT *pcObjects);
HRESULT ( __stdcall *GetAt )(
/* [in] IShellLink*/ void *This,
/* [in] */ UINT uiIndex,
/* [in] */ const GUID * const riid,
/* [iid_is][out] */ void **ppv);
HRESULT ( __stdcall *AddObject )(
/* [in] IShellLink*/ void *This,
/* [in] */ void *punk);
HRESULT ( __stdcall *AddFromArray )(
/* [in] IShellLink*/ void *This,
/* [in] */ IObjectArray *poaSource);
HRESULT ( __stdcall *RemoveObjectAt )(
/* [in] IShellLink*/ void *This,
/* [in] */ UINT uiIndex);
HRESULT ( __stdcall *Clear )(
/* [in] IShellLink*/ void *This);
} IObjectCollectionVtbl;
typedef struct IObjectCollection
IObjectCollectionVtbl *lpVtbl;
} IObjectCollection;
typedef struct IPropertyStoreVtbl
HRESULT ( __stdcall *QueryInterface )(
/* [in] IPropertyStore*/ void *This,
/* [in] */ const GUID * const riid,
/* [iid_is][out] */ void **ppvObject);
ULONG ( __stdcall *AddRef )(
/* [in] IPropertyStore*/ void *This);
ULONG ( __stdcall *Release )(
/* [in] IPropertyStore*/ void *This);
HRESULT ( __stdcall *GetCount )(
/* [in] IPropertyStore*/ void *This,
/* [out] */ DWORD *cProps);
HRESULT ( __stdcall *GetAt )(
/* [in] IPropertyStore*/ void *This,
/* [in] */ DWORD iProp,
/* [out] */ PROPERTYKEY *pkey);
HRESULT ( __stdcall *GetValue )(
/* [in] IPropertyStore*/ void *This,
/* [in] */ const PROPERTYKEY * const key,
/* [out] */ PROPVARIANT *pv);
HRESULT ( __stdcall *SetValue )(
/* [in] IPropertyStore*/ void *This,
/* [in] */ const PROPERTYKEY * const key,
/* [in] */ REFPROPVARIANT propvar);
HRESULT ( __stdcall *Commit )(
/* [in] IPropertyStore*/ void *This);
} IPropertyStoreVtbl;
typedef struct IPropertyStore
IPropertyStoreVtbl *lpVtbl;
} IPropertyStore;
static const CLSID CLSID_DestinationList = {
0x77f10cf0, 0x3db5, 0x4966, {0xb5,0x20,0xb7,0xc5,0x4f,0xd3,0x5e,0xd6}
static const CLSID CLSID_ShellLink = {
0x00021401, 0x0000, 0x0000, {0xc0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x46}
static const CLSID CLSID_EnumerableObjectCollection = {
0x2d3468c1, 0x36a7, 0x43b6, {0xac,0x24,0xd3,0xf0,0x2f,0xd9,0x60,0x7a}
static const IID IID_IObjectCollection = {
0x5632b1a4, 0xe38a, 0x400a, {0x92,0x8a,0xd4,0xcd,0x63,0x23,0x02,0x95}
static const IID IID_IShellLink = {
0x000214ee, 0x0000, 0x0000, {0xc0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x46}
static const IID IID_ICustomDestinationList = {
0x6332debf, 0x87b5, 0x4670, {0x90,0xc0,0x5e,0x57,0xb4,0x08,0xa4,0x9e}
static const IID IID_IObjectArray = {
0x92ca9dcd, 0x5622, 0x4bba, {0xa8,0x05,0x5e,0x9f,0x54,0x1b,0xd8,0xc9}
static const IID IID_IPropertyStore = {
0x886d8eeb, 0x8cf2, 0x4446, {0x8d,0x02,0xcd,0xba,0x1d,0xbd,0xcf,0x99}
static const PROPERTYKEY PKEY_Title = {
{0xf29f85e0, 0x4ff9, 0x1068, {0xab,0x91,0x08,0x00,0x2b,0x27,0xb3,0xd9}},
#define COMPTR(type, obj) &IID_##type, ((sizeof((obj)-(type **)(obj))), (obj))
static char putty_path[2048];
* Function to make an IShellLink describing a particular PuTTY
* command. If 'appname' is null, the command run will be the one
* returned by GetModuleFileName, i.e. our own executable; if it's
* non-null then it will be assumed to be a filename in the same
* directory as our own executable, and the return value will be NULL
* if that file doesn't exist.
* If 'sessionname' is null then no command line will be passed to the
* program. If it's non-null, the command line will be that text
* prefixed with an @ (to load a PuTTY saved session).
* Hence, you can launch a saved session using make_shell_link(NULL,
* sessionname), and launch another app using e.g.
* make_shell_link("puttygen.exe", NULL).
static IShellLink *make_shell_link(const char *appname,
const char *sessionname)
IShellLink *ret;
char *app_path, *param_string, *desc_string;
void *psettings_tmp;
IPropertyStore *pPS;
/* Retrieve path to executable. */
if (!putty_path[0])
GetModuleFileName(NULL, putty_path, sizeof(putty_path) - 1);
if (appname) {
char *p, *q = putty_path;
FILE *fp;
if ((p = strrchr(q, '\\')) != NULL) q = p+1;
if ((p = strrchr(q, ':')) != NULL) q = p+1;
app_path = dupprintf("%.*s%s", (int)(q - putty_path), putty_path,
if ((fp = fopen(app_path, "r")) == NULL) {
return NULL;
} else {
app_path = dupstr(putty_path);
/* Check if this is a valid session, otherwise don't add. */
if (sessionname) {
psettings_tmp = open_settings_r(sessionname);
if (!psettings_tmp)
return NULL;
/* Create the new item. */
if (!SUCCEEDED(CoCreateInstance(&CLSID_ShellLink, NULL,
COMPTR(IShellLink, &ret))))
return NULL;
/* Set path, parameters, icon and description. */
ret->lpVtbl->SetPath(ret, app_path);
if (sessionname) {
param_string = dupcat("@", sessionname, NULL);
} else {
param_string = dupstr("");
ret->lpVtbl->SetArguments(ret, param_string);
if (sessionname) {
desc_string = dupcat("Connect to PuTTY session '",
sessionname, "'", NULL);
} else {
desc_string = dupprintf("Run %.*s", strcspn(appname, "."), appname);
ret->lpVtbl->SetDescription(ret, desc_string);
ret->lpVtbl->SetIconLocation(ret, app_path, 0);
/* To set the link title, we require the property store of the link. */
if (SUCCEEDED(ret->lpVtbl->QueryInterface(ret,
COMPTR(IPropertyStore, &pPS)))) {
pv.vt = VT_LPSTR;
if (sessionname) {
pv.pszVal = dupstr(sessionname);
} else {
pv.pszVal = dupprintf("Run %.*s", strcspn(appname, "."), appname);
pPS->lpVtbl->SetValue(pPS, &PKEY_Title, &pv);
return ret;
/* Updates jumplist from registry. */
static void update_jumplist_from_registry(void)
const char *piterator;
UINT num_items;
int jumplist_counter;
UINT nremoved;
/* Variables used by the cleanup code must be initialised to NULL,
* so that we don't try to free or release them if they were never
* set up. */
ICustomDestinationList *pCDL = NULL;
char *pjumplist_reg_entries = NULL;
IObjectCollection *collection = NULL;
IObjectArray *array = NULL;
IShellLink *link = NULL;
IObjectArray *pRemoved = NULL;
int need_abort = FALSE;
* Create an ICustomDestinationList: the top-level object which
* deals with jump list management.
if (!SUCCEEDED(CoCreateInstance(&CLSID_DestinationList, NULL,
COMPTR(ICustomDestinationList, &pCDL))))
goto cleanup;
* Call its BeginList method to start compiling a list. This gives
* us back 'num_items' (a hint derived from systemwide
* configuration about how many things to put on the list) and
* 'pRemoved' (user configuration about things to leave off the
* list).
if (!SUCCEEDED(pCDL->lpVtbl->BeginList(pCDL, &num_items,
COMPTR(IObjectArray, &pRemoved))))
goto cleanup;
need_abort = TRUE;
if (!SUCCEEDED(pRemoved->lpVtbl->GetCount(pRemoved, &nremoved)))
nremoved = 0;
* Create an object collection to form the 'Recent Sessions'
* category on the jump list.
if (!SUCCEEDED(CoCreateInstance(&CLSID_EnumerableObjectCollection,
COMPTR(IObjectCollection, &collection))))
goto cleanup;
* Go through the jump list entries from the registry and add each
* one to the collection.
pjumplist_reg_entries = get_jumplist_registry_entries();
piterator = pjumplist_reg_entries;
jumplist_counter = 0;
while (*piterator != '\0' &&
(jumplist_counter < min(MAX_JUMPLIST_ITEMS, (int) num_items))) {
link = make_shell_link(NULL, piterator);
if (link) {
int found;
* Check that the link isn't in the user-removed list.
for (i = 0, found = FALSE; i < nremoved && !found; i++) {
IShellLink *rlink;
if (SUCCEEDED(pRemoved->lpVtbl->GetAt
(pRemoved, i, COMPTR(IShellLink, &rlink)))) {
char desc1[2048], desc2[2048];
if (SUCCEEDED(link->lpVtbl->GetDescription
(link, desc1, sizeof(desc1)-1)) &&
(rlink, desc2, sizeof(desc2)-1)) &&
!strcmp(desc1, desc2)) {
found = TRUE;
if (!found) {
collection->lpVtbl->AddObject(collection, link);
link = NULL;
piterator += strlen(piterator) + 1;
pjumplist_reg_entries = NULL;
* Get the array form of the collection we've just constructed,
* and put it in the jump list.
if (!SUCCEEDED(collection->lpVtbl->QueryInterface
(collection, COMPTR(IObjectArray, &array))))
goto cleanup;
pCDL->lpVtbl->AppendCategory(pCDL, L"Recent Sessions", array);
* Create an object collection to form the 'Tasks' category on the
* jump list.
if (!SUCCEEDED(CoCreateInstance(&CLSID_EnumerableObjectCollection,
COMPTR(IObjectCollection, &collection))))
goto cleanup;
* Add task entries for PuTTYgen and Pageant.
piterator = "Pageant.exe\0PuTTYgen.exe\0\0";
while (*piterator != '\0') {
link = make_shell_link(piterator, NULL);
if (link) {
collection->lpVtbl->AddObject(collection, link);
link = NULL;
piterator += strlen(piterator) + 1;
* Get the array form of the collection we've just constructed,
* and put it in the jump list.
if (!SUCCEEDED(collection->lpVtbl->QueryInterface
(collection, COMPTR(IObjectArray, &array))))
goto cleanup;
pCDL->lpVtbl->AddUserTasks(pCDL, array);
* Now we can clean up the array and collection variables, so as
* to be able to reuse them.
array = NULL;
collection = NULL;
* Create another object collection to form the user tasks
* category.
if (!SUCCEEDED(CoCreateInstance(&CLSID_EnumerableObjectCollection,
COMPTR(IObjectCollection, &collection))))
goto cleanup;
* Get the array form of the collection we've just constructed,
* and put it in the jump list.
if (!SUCCEEDED(collection->lpVtbl->QueryInterface
(collection, COMPTR(IObjectArray, &array))))
goto cleanup;
pCDL->lpVtbl->AddUserTasks(pCDL, array);
* Now we can clean up the array and collection variables, so as
* to be able to reuse them.
array = NULL;
collection = NULL;
* Commit the jump list.
need_abort = FALSE;
* Clean up.
if (pRemoved) pRemoved->lpVtbl->Release(pRemoved);
if (pCDL && need_abort) pCDL->lpVtbl->AbortList(pCDL);
if (pCDL) pCDL->lpVtbl->Release(pCDL);
if (collection) collection->lpVtbl->Release(collection);
if (array) array->lpVtbl->Release(array);
if (link) link->lpVtbl->Release(link);
/* Clears the entire jumplist. */
static void clear_jumplist(void)
ICustomDestinationList *pCDL;
UINT num_items;
IObjectArray *pRemoved;
if (CoCreateInstance(&CLSID_DestinationList, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER,
COMPTR(ICustomDestinationList, &pCDL)) == S_OK) {
pCDL->lpVtbl->DeleteList(pCDL, NULL);
/* Adds a saved session to the Windows 7 jumplist. */
void add_session_to_jumplist(const char * const sessionname)
if ((osVersion.dwMajorVersion < 6) ||
(osVersion.dwMajorVersion == 6 && osVersion.dwMinorVersion < 1))
return; /* do nothing on pre-Win7 systems */
if (add_to_jumplist_registry(sessionname) == JUMPLISTREG_OK) {
} else {
/* Make sure we don't leave the jumplist dangling. */
/* Removes a saved session from the Windows jumplist. */
void remove_session_from_jumplist(const char * const sessionname)
if ((osVersion.dwMajorVersion < 6) ||
(osVersion.dwMajorVersion == 6 && osVersion.dwMinorVersion < 1))
return; /* do nothing on pre-Win7 systems */
if (remove_from_jumplist_registry(sessionname) == JUMPLISTREG_OK) {
} else {
/* Make sure we don't leave the jumplist dangling. */