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synced 2025-03-16 03:53:01 -05:00

ourselves, but on Unix then assumed it was compatible with the system's gss_buffer_desc, which wasn't the case on LP64 systems. Now, on Unix we make Ssh_gss_buf into an alias for gss_buffer_desc, though we keep something similar to the existing behaviour on Windows. This requires renaming a couple of the fields in Ssh_gss_buf, and hence fixing all the references. Tested on Linux (MIT Kerberos) and Solaris. Compiled on NetBSD (Heimdal). Not tested on Windows because neither mingw32 nor winegcc worked out of the box for me. I think the Windows changes are all syntactic, though, so if this compiles it should work no worse than before. [originally from svn r8326]
464 lines
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464 lines
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* winstuff.h: Windows-specific inter-module stuff.
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h> /* for FILENAME_MAX */
#include "tree234.h"
#include "winhelp.h"
struct Filename {
char path[FILENAME_MAX];
#define f_open(filename, mode, isprivate) ( fopen((filename).path, (mode)) )
struct FontSpec {
char name[64];
int isbold;
int height;
int charset;
#define FONT_QUALITY(fq) ( \
* Where we can, we use GetWindowLongPtr and friends because they're
* more useful on 64-bit platforms, but they're a relatively recent
* innovation, missing from VC++ 6 and older MinGW. Degrade nicely.
* (NB that on some systems, some of these things are available but
* not others...)
/* GetClassLongPtr and friends */
#undef GetClassLongPtr
#define GetClassLongPtr GetClassLong
#undef SetClassLongPtr
#define SetClassLongPtr SetClassLong
/* GetWindowLongPtr and friends */
#undef GetWindowLongPtr
#define GetWindowLongPtr GetWindowLong
#undef SetWindowLongPtr
#define SetWindowLongPtr SetWindowLong
/* Since we've clobbered the above functions, we should clobber the
* associated type regardless of whether it's defined. */
#undef LONG_PTR
#define DF_END 0x0001
* Global variables. Most modules declare these `extern', but
* window.c will do `#define PUTTY_DO_GLOBALS' before including this
* module, and so will get them properly defined.
#ifndef GLOBAL
#define GLOBAL
#define GLOBAL extern
typedef struct config_tag Config;
typedef struct backend_tag Backend;
typedef struct terminal_tag Terminal;
#define PUTTY_REG_POS "Software\\SimonTatham\\PuTTY"
#define PUTTY_REG_PARENT "Software\\SimonTatham"
#define PUTTY_REG_GPARENT "Software"
#define PUTTY_REG_GPARENT_CHILD "SimonTatham"
#define PUTTY_HELP_FILE "putty.hlp"
#define PUTTY_CHM_FILE "putty.chm"
#define PUTTY_HELP_CONTENTS "putty.cnt"
#define GETTICKCOUNT GetTickCount
#define CURSORBLINK GetCaretBlinkTime()
#define TICKSPERSEC 1000 /* GetTickCount returns milliseconds */
typedef HDC Context;
#ifndef NO_GSSAPI
* GSS-API stuff
typedef struct Ssh_gss_buf {
int length;
char *value;
} Ssh_gss_buf;
#define SSH_GSS_EMPTY_BUF (Ssh_gss_buf) {0,NULL}
* Window handles for the windows that can be running during a
* PuTTY session.
GLOBAL HWND hwnd; /* the main terminal window */
* The all-important instance handle.
* Help file stuff in winhelp.c.
void init_help(void);
void shutdown_help(void);
int has_help(void);
void launch_help(HWND hwnd, const char *topic);
void quit_help(HWND hwnd);
* The terminal and logging context are notionally local to the
* Windows front end, but they must be shared between window.c and
* windlg.c. Likewise the saved-sessions list.
GLOBAL Terminal *term;
GLOBAL void *logctx;
#define WM_NETEVENT (WM_APP + 5)
* On Windows, we send MA_2CLK as the only event marking the second
* press of a mouse button. Compare unix.h.
* On Windows, data written to the clipboard must be NUL-terminated.
* On Windows, copying to the clipboard terminates lines with CRLF.
#define SEL_NL { 13, 10 }
* sk_getxdmdata() does not exist under Windows (not that I
* couldn't write it if I wanted to, but I haven't bothered), so
* it's a macro which always returns NULL. With any luck this will
* cause the compiler to notice it can optimise away the
* implementation of XDM-AUTHORIZATION-1 in x11fwd.c :-)
#define sk_getxdmdata(socket, lenp) (NULL)
* File-selector filter strings used in the config box. On Windows,
* these strings are of exactly the type needed to go in
* `lpstrFilter' in an OPENFILENAME structure.
#define FILTER_KEY_FILES ("PuTTY Private Key Files (*.ppk)\0*.ppk\0" \
"All Files (*.*)\0*\0\0\0")
#define FILTER_WAVE_FILES ("Wave Files (*.wav)\0*.WAV\0" \
"All Files (*.*)\0*\0\0\0")
* On some versions of Windows, it has been known for WM_TIMER to
* occasionally get its callback time simply wrong, and call us
* back several minutes early. Defining these symbols enables
* compensation code in timing.c.
* winnet.c dynamically loads WinSock 2 or WinSock 1 depending on
* what it can get, which means any WinSock routines used outside
* that module must be exported from it as function pointers. So
* here they are.
extern int (WINAPI *p_WSAAsyncSelect)
(SOCKET s, HWND hWnd, u_int wMsg, long lEvent);
extern int (WINAPI *p_WSAEventSelect)
(SOCKET s, WSAEVENT hEventObject, long lNetworkEvents);
extern int (WINAPI *p_select)
(int nfds, fd_set FAR * readfds, fd_set FAR * writefds,
fd_set FAR *exceptfds, const struct timeval FAR * timeout);
extern int (WINAPI *p_WSAGetLastError)(void);
extern int (WINAPI *p_WSAEnumNetworkEvents)
extern int socket_writable(SOCKET skt);
extern void socket_reselect_all(void);
* Exports from winctrls.c.
struct ctlpos {
HWND hwnd;
WPARAM font;
int dlu4inpix;
int ypos, width;
int xoff;
int boxystart, boxid;
char *boxtext;
* Exports from winutils.c.
typedef struct filereq_tag filereq; /* cwd for file requester */
BOOL request_file(filereq *state, OPENFILENAME *of, int preserve, int save);
filereq *filereq_new(void);
void filereq_free(filereq *state);
int message_box(LPCTSTR text, LPCTSTR caption, DWORD style, DWORD helpctxid);
void split_into_argv(char *, int *, char ***, char ***);
* Private structure for prefslist state. Only in the header file
* so that we can delegate allocation to callers.
struct prefslist {
int listid, upbid, dnbid;
int srcitem;
int dummyitem;
int dragging;
* This structure is passed to event handler functions as the `dlg'
* parameter, and hence is passed back to winctrls access functions.
struct dlgparam {
HWND hwnd; /* the hwnd of the dialog box */
struct winctrls *controltrees[8]; /* can have several of these */
int nctrltrees;
char *wintitle; /* title of actual window */
char *errtitle; /* title of error sub-messageboxes */
void *data; /* data to pass in refresh events */
union control *focused, *lastfocused; /* which ctrl has focus now/before */
char shortcuts[128]; /* track which shortcuts in use */
int coloursel_wanted; /* has an event handler asked for
* a colour selector? */
struct { unsigned char r, g, b, ok; } coloursel_result; /* 0-255 */
tree234 *privdata; /* stores per-control private data */
int ended, endresult; /* has the dialog been ended? */
* Exports from winctrls.c.
void ctlposinit(struct ctlpos *cp, HWND hwnd,
int leftborder, int rightborder, int topborder);
HWND doctl(struct ctlpos *cp, RECT r,
char *wclass, int wstyle, int exstyle, char *wtext, int wid);
void bartitle(struct ctlpos *cp, char *name, int id);
void beginbox(struct ctlpos *cp, char *name, int idbox);
void endbox(struct ctlpos *cp);
void editboxfw(struct ctlpos *cp, int password, char *text,
int staticid, int editid);
void radioline(struct ctlpos *cp, char *text, int id, int nacross, ...);
void bareradioline(struct ctlpos *cp, int nacross, ...);
void radiobig(struct ctlpos *cp, char *text, int id, ...);
void checkbox(struct ctlpos *cp, char *text, int id);
void statictext(struct ctlpos *cp, char *text, int lines, int id);
void staticbtn(struct ctlpos *cp, char *stext, int sid,
char *btext, int bid);
void static2btn(struct ctlpos *cp, char *stext, int sid,
char *btext1, int bid1, char *btext2, int bid2);
void staticedit(struct ctlpos *cp, char *stext,
int sid, int eid, int percentedit);
void staticddl(struct ctlpos *cp, char *stext,
int sid, int lid, int percentlist);
void combobox(struct ctlpos *cp, char *text, int staticid, int listid);
void staticpassedit(struct ctlpos *cp, char *stext,
int sid, int eid, int percentedit);
void bigeditctrl(struct ctlpos *cp, char *stext,
int sid, int eid, int lines);
void ersatztab(struct ctlpos *cp, char *stext, int sid, int lid, int s2id);
void editbutton(struct ctlpos *cp, char *stext, int sid,
int eid, char *btext, int bid);
void sesssaver(struct ctlpos *cp, char *text,
int staticid, int editid, int listid, ...);
void envsetter(struct ctlpos *cp, char *stext, int sid,
char *e1stext, int e1sid, int e1id,
char *e2stext, int e2sid, int e2id,
int listid, char *b1text, int b1id, char *b2text, int b2id);
void charclass(struct ctlpos *cp, char *stext, int sid, int listid,
char *btext, int bid, int eid, char *s2text, int s2id);
void colouredit(struct ctlpos *cp, char *stext, int sid, int listid,
char *btext, int bid, ...);
void prefslist(struct prefslist *hdl, struct ctlpos *cp, int lines,
char *stext, int sid, int listid, int upbid, int dnbid);
int handle_prefslist(struct prefslist *hdl,
int *array, int maxmemb,
int is_dlmsg, HWND hwnd,
WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
void progressbar(struct ctlpos *cp, int id);
void fwdsetter(struct ctlpos *cp, int listid, char *stext, int sid,
char *e1stext, int e1sid, int e1id,
char *e2stext, int e2sid, int e2id,
char *btext, int bid,
char *r1text, int r1id, char *r2text, int r2id);
* This structure is what's stored for each `union control' in the
* portable-dialog interface.
struct winctrl {
union control *ctrl;
* The control may have several components at the Windows
* level, with different dialog IDs. To avoid needing N
* separate platformsidectrl structures (which could be stored
* separately in a tree234 so that lookup by ID worked), we
* impose the constraint that those IDs must be in a contiguous
* block.
int base_id;
int num_ids;
* Remember what keyboard shortcuts were used by this control,
* so that when we remove it again we can take them out of the
* list in the dlgparam.
char shortcuts[MAX_SHORTCUTS_PER_CTRL];
* Some controls need a piece of allocated memory in which to
* store temporary data about the control.
void *data;
* And this structure holds a set of the above, in two separate
* tree234s so that it can find an item by `union control' or by
* dialog ID.
struct winctrls {
tree234 *byctrl, *byid;
struct controlset;
struct controlbox;
void winctrl_init(struct winctrls *);
void winctrl_cleanup(struct winctrls *);
void winctrl_add(struct winctrls *, struct winctrl *);
void winctrl_remove(struct winctrls *, struct winctrl *);
struct winctrl *winctrl_findbyctrl(struct winctrls *, union control *);
struct winctrl *winctrl_findbyid(struct winctrls *, int);
struct winctrl *winctrl_findbyindex(struct winctrls *, int);
void winctrl_layout(struct dlgparam *dp, struct winctrls *wc,
struct ctlpos *cp, struct controlset *s, int *id);
int winctrl_handle_command(struct dlgparam *dp, UINT msg,
WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
void winctrl_rem_shortcuts(struct dlgparam *dp, struct winctrl *c);
int winctrl_context_help(struct dlgparam *dp, HWND hwnd, int id);
void dp_init(struct dlgparam *dp);
void dp_add_tree(struct dlgparam *dp, struct winctrls *tree);
void dp_cleanup(struct dlgparam *dp);
* Exports from wincfg.c.
void win_setup_config_box(struct controlbox *b, HWND *hwndp, int has_help,
int midsession, int protocol);
* Exports from windlg.c.
void defuse_showwindow(void);
int do_config(void);
int do_reconfig(HWND, int);
void showeventlog(HWND);
void showabout(HWND);
void force_normal(HWND hwnd);
void modal_about_box(HWND hwnd);
void show_help(HWND hwnd);
* Exports from winmisc.c.
extern OSVERSIONINFO osVersion;
BOOL init_winver(void);
* Exports from sizetip.c.
void UpdateSizeTip(HWND src, int cx, int cy);
void EnableSizeTip(int bEnable);
* Exports from unicode.c.
struct unicode_data;
void init_ucs(Config *, struct unicode_data *);
* Exports from winhandl.c.
struct handle;
typedef int (*handle_inputfn_t)(struct handle *h, void *data, int len);
typedef void (*handle_outputfn_t)(struct handle *h, int new_backlog);
struct handle *handle_input_new(HANDLE handle, handle_inputfn_t gotdata,
void *privdata, int flags);
struct handle *handle_output_new(HANDLE handle, handle_outputfn_t sentdata,
void *privdata, int flags);
int handle_write(struct handle *h, const void *data, int len);
HANDLE *handle_get_events(int *nevents);
void handle_free(struct handle *h);
void handle_got_event(HANDLE event);
void handle_unthrottle(struct handle *h, int backlog);
int handle_backlog(struct handle *h);
void *handle_get_privdata(struct handle *h);
* pageantc.c needs to schedule callbacks for asynchronous agent
* requests. This has to be done differently in GUI and console, so
* there's an exported function used for the purpose.
* Also, we supply FLAG_SYNCAGENT to force agent requests to be
* synchronous in pscp and psftp.
void agent_schedule_callback(void (*callback)(void *, void *, int),
void *callback_ctx, void *data, int len);
#define FLAG_SYNCAGENT 0x1000
* Exports from winser.c.
extern Backend serial_backend;