mirror of https://git.tartarus.org/simon/putty.git synced 2025-03-20 05:45:27 -05:00
Simon Tatham bed4e12f15 testcrypt.py: marshal string literals more efficiently.
The testcrypt protocol expects a string literal to be a concatenation
of literal bytes other than '%' and '\n', and %-escaped hex digit
pairs. But testcrypt.py was only ever using the latter format, so even
a legible ASCII string like "123" was being sent to testcrypt as the
unreadable and needlessly long "%31%32%33".

When debugging, I often arrange to save the testcrypt input stream to
a file, and sometimes I use that file as the starting point for
editing. So it is actually useful to have the protocol exchange be
legible to humans. Hence, here's a change to testcrypt.py which makes
it only use the %-escape encoding for byte values that aren't
printable ASCII.
2020-03-08 11:09:06 +00:00

323 lines
12 KiB

import sys
import os
import numbers
import subprocess
import re
import struct
from binascii import hexlify
assert sys.version_info[:2] >= (3,0), "This is Python 3 code"
# Expect to be run from the 'test' subdirectory, one level down from
# the main source
putty_srcdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
def coerce_to_bytes(arg):
return arg.encode("UTF-8") if isinstance(arg, str) else arg
class ChildProcessFailure(Exception):
class ChildProcess(object):
def __init__(self):
self.sp = None
self.debug = None
self.exitstatus = None
self.exception = None
dbg = os.environ.get("PUTTY_TESTCRYPT_DEBUG")
if dbg is not None:
if dbg == "stderr":
self.debug = sys.stderr
sys.stderr.write("Unknown value '{}' for PUTTY_TESTCRYPT_DEBUG"
" (try 'stderr'\n")
def start(self):
assert self.sp is None
override_command = os.environ.get("PUTTY_TESTCRYPT")
if override_command is None:
cmd = [os.path.join(putty_srcdir, "testcrypt")]
shell = False
cmd = override_command
shell = True
self.sp = subprocess.Popen(
cmd, shell=shell, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
def write_line(self, line):
if self.exception is not None:
# Re-raise our fatal-error exception, if it previously
# occurred in a context where it couldn't be propagated (a
# __del__ method).
raise self.exception
if self.debug is not None:
self.debug.write("send: {}\n".format(line))
self.sp.stdin.write(line + b"\n")
def read_line(self):
line = self.sp.stdout.readline()
if len(line) == 0:
self.exception = ChildProcessFailure("received EOF from testcrypt")
raise self.exception
line = line.rstrip(b"\r\n")
if self.debug is not None:
self.debug.write("recv: {}\n".format(line))
return line
def already_terminated(self):
return self.sp is None and self.exitstatus is not None
def funcall(self, cmd, args):
if self.sp is None:
assert self.exitstatus is None
self.write_line(coerce_to_bytes(cmd) + b" " + b" ".join(
coerce_to_bytes(arg) for arg in args))
argcount = int(self.read_line())
return [self.read_line() for arg in range(argcount)]
def wait_for_exit(self):
if self.sp is not None:
self.exitstatus = self.sp.wait()
self.sp = None
def check_return_status(self):
if self.exitstatus is not None and self.exitstatus != 0:
raise ChildProcessFailure("testcrypt returned exit status {}"
childprocess = ChildProcess()
method_prefixes = {
'val_wpoint': 'ecc_weierstrass_',
'val_mpoint': 'ecc_montgomery_',
'val_epoint': 'ecc_edwards_',
'val_hash': 'ssh_hash_',
'val_mac': 'ssh_mac_',
'val_key': 'ssh_key_',
'val_cipher': 'ssh_cipher_',
'val_dh': 'dh_',
'val_ecdh': 'ssh_ecdhkex_',
'val_rsakex': 'ssh_rsakex_',
'val_prng': 'prng_',
'val_pcs': 'pcs_',
'val_pockle': 'pockle_',
method_lists = {t: [] for t in method_prefixes}
class Value(object):
def __init__(self, typename, ident):
self._typename = typename
self._ident = ident
for methodname, function in method_lists.get(self._typename, []):
setattr(self, methodname,
(lambda f: lambda *args: f(self, *args))(function))
def _consumed(self):
self._ident = None
def __repr__(self):
return "Value({!r}, {!r})".format(self._typename, self._ident)
def __del__(self):
if self._ident is not None and not childprocess.already_terminated():
childprocess.funcall("free", [self._ident])
except ChildProcessFailure:
# If we see this exception now, we can't do anything
# about it, because exceptions don't propagate out of
# __del__ methods. Squelch it to prevent the annoying
# runtime warning from Python, and the
# 'self.exception' mechanism in the ChildProcess class
# will raise it again at the next opportunity.
# (This covers both the case where testcrypt crashes
# _during_ one of these free operations, and the
# silencing of cascade failures when we try to send a
# "free" command to testcrypt after it had already
# crashed for some other reason.)
def __long__(self):
if self._typename != "val_mpint":
raise TypeError("testcrypt values of types other than mpint"
" cannot be converted to integer")
hexval = childprocess.funcall("mp_dump", [self._ident])[0]
return 0 if len(hexval) == 0 else int(hexval, 16)
def __int__(self):
return int(self.__long__())
def marshal_string(val):
val = coerce_to_bytes(val)
assert isinstance(val, bytes), "Bad type for val_string input"
return "".join(
chr(b) if (0x20 <= b < 0x7F and b != 0x25)
else "%{:02x}".format(b)
for b in val)
def make_argword(arg, argtype, fnname, argindex, to_preserve):
typename, consumed = argtype
if typename.startswith("opt_"):
if arg is None:
return "NULL"
typename = typename[4:]
if typename == "val_string":
retwords = childprocess.funcall("newstring", [marshal_string(arg)])
arg = make_retvals([typename], retwords, unpack_strings=False)[0]
if typename == "val_mpint" and isinstance(arg, numbers.Integral):
retwords = childprocess.funcall("mp_literal", ["0x{:x}".format(arg)])
arg = make_retvals([typename], retwords)[0]
if isinstance(arg, Value):
if arg._typename != typename:
raise TypeError(
"{}() argument {:d} should be {} ({} given)".format(
fnname, argindex, typename, arg._typename))
ident = arg._ident
if consumed:
return ident
if typename == "uint" and isinstance(arg, numbers.Integral):
return "0x{:x}".format(arg)
if typename == "boolean":
return "true" if arg else "false"
if typename in {
"hashalg", "macalg", "keyalg", "cipheralg",
"dh_group", "ecdh_alg", "rsaorder", "primegenpolicy"}:
arg = coerce_to_bytes(arg)
if isinstance(arg, bytes) and b" " not in arg:
return arg
if typename == "mpint_list":
sublist = [make_argword(len(arg), ("uint", False),
fnname, argindex, to_preserve)]
for val in arg:
sublist.append(make_argword(val, ("val_mpint", False),
fnname, argindex, to_preserve))
return b" ".join(coerce_to_bytes(sub) for sub in sublist)
raise TypeError(
"Can't convert {}() argument {:d} to {} (value was {!r})".format(
fnname, argindex, typename, arg))
def unpack_string(identifier):
retwords = childprocess.funcall("getstring", [identifier])
childprocess.funcall("free", [identifier])
return re.sub(b"%[0-9A-F][0-9A-F]",
lambda m: bytes([int(m.group(0)[1:], 16)]),
def unpack_mp(identifier):
retwords = childprocess.funcall("mp_dump", [identifier])
childprocess.funcall("free", [identifier])
return int(retwords[0], 16)
def make_retval(rettype, word, unpack_strings):
if rettype.startswith("opt_"):
if word == b"NULL":
return None
rettype = rettype[4:]
if rettype == "val_string" and unpack_strings:
return unpack_string(word)
if rettype == "val_keycomponents":
kc = {}
retwords = childprocess.funcall("key_components_count", [word])
for i in range(int(retwords[0], 0)):
args = [word, "{:d}".format(i)]
retwords = childprocess.funcall("key_components_nth_name", args)
kc_key = unpack_string(retwords[0])
retwords = childprocess.funcall("key_components_nth_str", args)
if retwords[0] != b"NULL":
kc_value = unpack_string(retwords[0]).decode("ASCII")
retwords = childprocess.funcall("key_components_nth_mp", args)
kc_value = unpack_mp(retwords[0])
kc[kc_key.decode("ASCII")] = kc_value
childprocess.funcall("free", [word])
return kc
if rettype.startswith("val_"):
return Value(rettype, word)
elif rettype == "int" or rettype == "uint":
return int(word, 0)
elif rettype == "boolean":
assert word == b"true" or word == b"false"
return word == b"true"
elif rettype == "pocklestatus":
return word.decode("ASCII")
raise TypeError("Can't deal with return value {!r} of type {!r}"
.format(word, rettype))
def make_retvals(rettypes, retwords, unpack_strings=True):
assert len(rettypes) == len(retwords) # FIXME: better exception
return [make_retval(rettype, word, unpack_strings)
for rettype, word in zip(rettypes, retwords)]
class Function(object):
def __init__(self, fnname, rettypes, argtypes):
self.fnname = fnname
self.rettypes = rettypes
self.argtypes = argtypes
def __repr__(self):
return "<Function {}>".format(self.fnname)
def __call__(self, *args):
if len(args) != len(self.argtypes):
raise TypeError(
"{}() takes exactly {} arguments ({} given)".format(
self.fnname, len(self.argtypes), len(args)))
to_preserve = []
retwords = childprocess.funcall(
self.fnname, [make_argword(args[i], self.argtypes[i],
self.fnname, i, to_preserve)
for i in range(len(args))])
retvals = make_retvals(self.rettypes, retwords)
if len(retvals) == 0:
return None
if len(retvals) == 1:
return retvals[0]
return tuple(retvals)
def _setup(scope):
header_file = os.path.join(putty_srcdir, "testcrypt.h")
linere = re.compile(r'^FUNC\d+\((.*)\)$')
valprefix = "val_"
outprefix = "out_"
optprefix = "opt_"
consprefix = "consumed_"
def trim_argtype(arg):
if arg.startswith(optprefix):
return optprefix + trim_argtype(arg[len(optprefix):])
if (arg.startswith(valprefix) and
"_" in arg[len(valprefix):]):
# Strip suffixes like val_string_asciz
arg = arg[:arg.index("_", len(valprefix))]
return arg
with open(header_file) as f:
for line in iter(f.readline, ""):
line = line.rstrip("\r\n").replace(" ", "")
m = linere.match(line)
if m is not None:
words = m.group(1).split(",")
function = words[1]
rettypes = []
argtypes = []
argsconsumed = []
if words[0] != "void":
for arg in words[2:]:
if arg.startswith(outprefix):
consumed = False
if arg.startswith(consprefix):
arg = arg[len(consprefix):]
consumed = True
arg = trim_argtype(arg)
argtypes.append((arg, consumed))
func = Function(function, rettypes, argtypes)
scope[function] = func
if len(argtypes) > 0:
t = argtypes[0][0]
if (t in method_prefixes and
methodname = function[len(method_prefixes[t]):]
method_lists[t].append((methodname, func))
del _setup