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synced 2025-01-08 08:58:00 +00:00
New script contrib/proveprime.py.
This generates primality certificates for numbers, in the form of Python / testcrypt code that calls Pockle methods. It factors p-1 by calling out to the 'yafu' utility, which is a moderately sophisticated integer factoring tool (including ECC and quadratic sieve methods) that runs as a standalone command-line program. Also added a Pockle test generated as output from this script, which verifies the primality of the three NIST curves' moduli and their generators' orders. I already had Pockle certificates for the moduli and orders used in EdDSA, so this completes the set, and it does it without me having had to do a lot of manual work.
This commit is contained in:
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import argparse
import functools
import math
import os
import re
import subprocess
import sys
import itertools
def gen_names():
for i in itertools.count():
name = "p{:d}".format(i)
if name not in nameset:
yield name
names = gen_names()
class YafuError(Exception):
verbose = False
def diag(*args):
if verbose:
print(*args, file=sys.stderr)
factorcache = set()
factorcachefile = None
def cache_factor(f):
if f not in factorcache:
if factorcachefile is not None:
yafu = None
yafu_pattern = re.compile(rb"^P\d+ = (\d+)$")
def call_yafu(n):
n_orig = n
diag("starting yafu", n_orig)
p = subprocess.Popen([yafu, "-v", "-v"], stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
factors = []
for line in iter(p.stdout.readline, b''):
line = line.rstrip(b"\r\n")
diag("yafu output:", line.decode())
m = yafu_pattern.match(line)
if m is not None:
f = int(m.group(1))
if n % f != 0:
raise YafuError("bad yafu factor {:d}".format(f))
if f >> 64:
n //= f
diag("done yafu", n_orig)
return factors, n
def factorise(n):
allfactors = []
for f in factorcache:
if n % f == 0:
n //= f
while n > 1:
factors, n = call_yafu(n)
return sorted(allfactors)
def product(ns):
return functools.reduce(lambda a,b: a*b, ns, 1)
smallprimes = set()
commands = {}
def proveprime(p, name=None):
if p >> 32 == 0:
return "{:d}".format(p)
if name is None:
name = next(names)
print("{} = {:d}".format(name, p))
fs = factorise(p-1)
prod = product(fs)
qs = []
for q in fs:
newprod = prod // q
if newprod * newprod * newprod > p:
prod = newprod
assert prod == product(qs)
assert prod * prod * prod > p
qset = set(qs)
qnamedict = {q: proveprime(q) for q in qset}
qnames = [qnamedict[q] for q in qs]
for w in itertools.count(2):
assert pow(w, p-1, p) == 1, "{}={:d} is not prime!".format(name, p)
diag("trying witness", w, "for", p)
for q in qset:
wpower = pow(w, (p-1) // q, p) - 1
if math.gcd(wpower, p) != 1:
diag("found witness", w, "for", p)
commands[p]= (name, w, qnames)
return name
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='')
parser.add_argument("prime", nargs="+",
help="Number to prove prime. Can be prefixed by a "
"variable name and '=', e.g. 'x=9999999967'.")
parser.add_argument("--cryptsuite", action="store_true",
help="Generate abbreviated Pockle calls suitable "
"for the tests in cryptsuite.py.")
parser.add_argument("--yafu", default="yafu",
help="yafu binary to help with factoring.")
parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true",
help="Write diagnostics to standard error.")
parser.add_argument("--cache", help="Cache of useful factors of things.")
args = parser.parse_args()
global verbose, yafu
verbose = args.verbose
yafu = args.yafu
if args.cache is not None:
with open(args.cache, "r") as fh:
for line in iter(fh.readline, ""):
global factorcachefile
factorcachefile = open(args.cache, "a")
for ps in args.prime:
name, value = (ps.split("=", 1) if "=" in ps
else (None, ps))
proveprime(int(value, 0), name)
print("po = pockle_new()")
if len(smallprimes) > 0:
if args.cryptsuite:
print("add_small(po, {})".format(
", ".join("{:d}".format(q) for q in sorted(smallprimes))))
for q in sorted(smallprimes):
print("pockle_add_small_prime(po, {:d})".format(q))
for p, (name, w, qnames) in sorted(commands.items()):
print("{cmd}(po, {name}, [{qs}], {w:d})".format(
cmd = "add" if args.cryptsuite else "pockle_add_prime",
name=name, w=w, qs=", ".join(qnames)))
if __name__ == '__main__':
@ -1079,6 +1079,49 @@ class keygen(MyTestBase):
add(po, p6, [p3,p4], 2)
add(po, p, [p2,p5,p6], 2)
# Combined certificate for the moduli and generator orders of
# the three NIST curves, generated by contrib/proveprime.py
# (with some cosmetic tidying)
p256 = 2**256 - 2**224 + 2**192 + 2**96 - 1
p384 = 2**384 - 2**128 - 2**96 + 2**32 - 1
p521 = 2**521 - 1
order256 = p256 - 0x4319055358e8617b0c46353d039cdaae
order384 = p384 - 0x389cb27e0bc8d21fa7e5f24cb74f58851313e696333ad68c
t = 0x5ae79787c40d069948033feb708f65a2fc44a36477663b851449048e16ec79bf6
order521 = p521 - t
p0 = order384 // 12895580879789762060783039592702
p1 = 1059392654943455286185473617842338478315215895509773412096307
p2 = 55942463741690639
p3 = 37344768852931
p4 = order521 // 1898873518475180724503002533770555108536
p5 = p4 // 994165722
p6 = 144471089338257942164514676806340723
p7 = p384 // 2054993070433694
p8 = 1357291859799823621
po = pockle_new()
add_small(po, 2, 3, 5, 11, 17, 19, 31, 41, 53, 67, 71, 109, 131, 149,
157, 257, 521, 641, 1613, 2731, 3407, 6317, 8191, 8389,
14461, 17449, 38189, 38557, 42641, 51481, 61681, 65537,
133279, 248431, 312289, 409891, 490463, 858001, 6700417,
add(po, p3, [149, 11, 5, 3, 2], 3)
add(po, p2, [p3], 2)
add(po, p8, [6317, 67, 2, 2], 2)
add(po, p6, [133279, 14461, 109, 3], 7)
add(po, p1, [p2, 248431], 2)
add(po, order256, [187019741, 38189, 17449, 3407, 131, 71, 2, 2, 2, 2],
add(po, p256, [6700417, 490463, 65537, 641, 257, 17, 5, 5, 3, 2], 6)
add(po, p0, [p1], 2)
add(po, p7, [p8, 312289, 38557, 8389, 11, 2], 3)
add(po, p5, [p6, 19], 2)
add(po, order384, [p0], 2)
add(po, p384, [p7], 2)
add(po, p4, [p5], 2)
add(po, order521, [p4], 2)
add(po, p521, [858001, 409891, 61681, 51481, 42641, 8191, 2731, 1613,
521, 157, 131, 53, 41, 31, 17, 11, 5, 5, 3, 2], 3)
def testPockleNegative(self):
def add_small(po, p):
self.assertEqual(pockle_add_small_prime(po, p), 'POCKLE_OK')
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