These handy wrappers on the verbose underlying Win32 registry API have
to lose some expressiveness, and one thing they lost was the ability
to open a registry key without asking for both read and write access.
This meant they couldn't be used for accessing keys not owned by the
calling user.
So far, I've only used them for accessing PuTTY's own saved data,
which means that hasn't been a problem. But I want to use them
elsewhere in an upcoming commit, so I need to fix that.
The obvious thing would be to change the meaning of the existing
'create' boolean flag so that if it's false, we also don't request
write access. The rationale would be that you're either reading or
writing, and if you're writing you want both RW access and to create
keys that don't already exist. But in fact that's not true: you do
want to set create==false and have write access in the case where
you're _deleting_ things from the key (or the whole key). So we really
do need three ways to call the wrapper function.
Rather than add another boolean field to every call site or mess about
with an 'access type' enum, I've taken an in-between route: the
underlying open_regkey_fn *function* takes a 'create' and a 'write'
flag, but at call sites, it's wrapped with a macro anyway (to append
NULL to the variadic argument list), so I've just made three macros
whose names request different access. That makes call sites marginally
_less_ verbose, while still
(cherry picked from commit 7339e00f4ac8a0e5f0e101d2a0effa18ef794034)
The Terrapin vulnerability affects the modified binary packet protocol
used with ChaCha20+Poly1305, and also CBC-mode ciphers in ETM mode.
It's best prevented by the new strict-kex mode, but if the server
can't handle that protocol alteration, another approach is to change
PuTTY's configuration so that it will negotiate a different algorithm.
That may not be possible either (an obvious case being if the server
has been manually configured to _only_ support vulnerable modes). But
if it is possible, then it would be nice for us to detect that and
show how to do it.
That could be a hard problem in general, but the most likely cause of
it is configuring ChaCha20 to the top of the cipher list, so that it's
selected ahead of things that aren't vulnerable. And it's reasonably
easy to do just one fantasy-renegotiation, having moved ChaCha20 down
to below the warn line, and see if that sorts it out. If it does, we
can pass on that advice to the user.
This will allow it to be called in a second circumstance where we're
trying to find out whether something _would_ have worked, so that we
never want to terminate the connection.
If the KEXINIT exchange results in a vulnerable cipher mode, we now
give a warning, similar to the 'we selected a crypto primitive below
the warning threshold' one. But there's nothing we can do about it at
that point other than let the user abort the connection.
This is enabled via magic signalling keywords in the kex algorithms
list, similarly to ext-info-{c,s}. If both sides announce the
appropriate keyword, then this signals two changes to the standard SSH
1. NEWKEYS resets packet sequence numbers: following any NEWKEYS, the
next packet sent in the same direction has sequence number zero.
2. No extraneous packets such as SSH_MSG_IGNORE are permitted during
the initial cleartext phase of the SSH protocol.
These two changes between them defeat the 'Terrapin' vulnerability,
aka CVE-2023-48795: a protocol-level exploit in which, for example, a
MITM injects a server-to-client SSH_MSG_IGNORE during the cleartext
phase, and deletes an initial segment of the server-to-client
encrypted data stream that it guesses is the right size to be the
server's SSH_MSG_EXT_INFO, so that both sides agree on the sequence
number of the _following_ server-to-client packet. In OpenSSH's
modified binary packet protocol modes this attack can go completely
undetected, and force a downgrade to (for example) SHA-1 based RSA.
(The ChaCha20/Poly1305 binary packet protocol is most vulnerable,
because it reinitialises the IV for each packet from scratch based on
the sequence number, so the keystream doesn't get out of sync.
Exploiting this in OpenSSH's ETM modes requires additional faff to
resync the keystream, and even then, the client likely sees a
corrupted SSH message at the start of the stream - but it will just
send SSH_MSG_UNIMPLEMENTED in response to that and proceed anyway. CBC
modes and standard AES SDCTR aren't vulnerable, because their MACs are
based on the plaintext rather than the ciphertext, so faking a correct
MAC on the corrupted packet requires the attacker to know what it
would decrypt to.)
This centralises the messages for weak crypto algorithms (general, and
host keys in particular, the latter including a list of all the other
available host key types) into ssh/common.c, in much the same way as
we previously did for ordinary host key warnings.
The reason is the same too: I'm about to want to vary the text in one
of those dialog boxes, so it's convenient to start by putting it
somewhere that I can modify just once.
I'm about to want to use the same code to check for something else.
It's only a handful of lines, but even so.
Also, since the string constants are mentioned several times, this
seems like a good moment to lift them out into reusable static const
ssh2_scan_kexinits must check to see whether it's behaving as an SSH
client or server, in order to decide whether to look for "ext-info-s"
in the server's KEXINIT or "ext-info-c" in the client's, respectively.
This check was done by testing the pointer 'server_hostkeys' to see if
it was non-NULL. I think I must have imagined that a variable of that
name meant "the host keys we have available to offer the client, if we
are the server", as the similarly named parameter 'our_hostkeys' in
write_kexinit_lists in fact does mean. So I expected it to be non-NULL
for the server and NULL for the client, and coded accordingly.
But in fact it's used by the client: it collects host key types the
client has _seen_ from the server, in order to offer them as cross-
certification actions in the specials menu. Moreover, it's _always_
non-NULL, because in the server, it's easier to leave it present but
empty than to get rid of it.
So this code was always behaving as if it was the server, i.e. it was
looking for "ext-info-c" in the client KEXINIT. When it was in fact
the client, that test would always succeed, because we _sent_ that
KEXINIT ourselves!
But nobody ever noticed, because when we're the client, it doesn't
matter whether we saw "ext-info-c", because we don't have any reason
to send EXT_INFO from client to server. We're only concerned with
server-to-client EXT_INFO. So this embarrassing bug had no actual
I encountered an instance of this sequence in the log files from a
clang CI build. The payload text inside the wrapper was
"bk;t=1697630539879"; I don't know what the "bk" stood for, but the
second half appears to be a timestamp in milliseconds since the Unix
I don't think there's anything we can (or should) actually _do_ with
this sequence, but I think it's useful to at least recognise it, so
that it can be conveniently discarded.
(cherry picked from commit 7b10e34b8f636008243df1a1add61c0763befb38)
Shortly after the previous commit I spotted another definitely missing
display update: if you send the byte 0x7F, aka 'destructive
backspace', then the display didn't update immediately.
That was two in a row, so I did an eyeball review of the whole
terminal state machine to the best of my ability. Found a couple more
borderline ones, but also, found that the entire VT52 sub-state-
machine had a blanket seen_disp_event which really _shouldn't_ have
been there, because half the VT52 sequences aren't actually display-
modifying updates.
To make this _slightly_ less error-prone, I've sunk a number of
seen_disp_update calls into subroutines that aren't the top-level
term_out(). For example, erase_lots(), scroll(), move() and
swap_screen() now all call seen_disp_update within themselves, so
their call sites don't all have to remember to.
There are probably further bugs after this upheaval, but I think it's
moving in generally the right direction.
(cherry picked from commit 6a6efd36aa846c581446afab8c48210cfa4300db)
These escape sequences immediately change the display of the line
they're invoked on, so they need to trigger a display update. But they
weren't, and I suppose we must have never noticed before due to the
complete confusion fixed in commit bdbd5f429c79a67.
(cherry picked from commit aa1552bc8227f70674ccf20838b141abfd170434)
Just happened to jump out at me in an eyeball inspection just now. I
carefully moved all the protocol byte-value constants into a header
file with mnemonic names, but I still hard-coded SOCKS4_REPLY_VERSION
in the text of one diagnostic, and I got the wrong one of
code. Both benign (the right value was there, juste called by the
wrong name).
Also fixed some missing whitespace, in passing. (Probably the line it
was missing from had once been squashed up closer to the right margin.)
(cherry picked from commit 1cd0f1787f6c1c7d9ec0fc168ed36e54fea2c756)
Recently I encountered a CLI tool that took tens of seconds to run,
and produced no _visible_ output, but wrote ESC[0m to the terminal a
few times during its operation. (Probably by mistake. In other modes
it does print colourful messages, so I expect a 'reset colour' call
was accidentally outside the 'if' statement containing the rest of the
diagnostic it followed. Or something along those lines.)
I noticed this because every ESC[0m reset my pterm scrollback to the
bottom, which wasn't very helpful, and was unintentional on pterm's
part (as _well_ as on the part of the tool). But I can fix pterm!
At first glance the code _looked_ sensible: terminal.c contains calls
to seen_disp_event(term) whenever terminal output does something that
requires a redraw of the terminal window. Those are also the updates
that should count as 'reset scrollback on display activity'. And
ESC[0m, along with the rest of the SGR handler, correctly contained no
such call. So how did a display update happen at all?
The code was confusingly tangled up with the code that responds to
terminal activity by resetting the phase of the blinking cursor (if
any). term_reset_cblink() was calling seen_disp_event() (when surely
it should be the other way round!), and also, term_reset_cblink() was
called whenever _any_ terminal output data arrived. That combination
meant that any byte output to the terminal at all turned out to count
as display activity, whether or not it changed the screen contents.
Additionally, the other scrollback-reset flag, 'reset scrollback on
keypress', was handled by calling seen_disp_event() from the keyboard
handler. But display events and keyboard events are supposed to be
_independent_ potential causes of scrollback resets - it doesn't make
any sense to handle one by treating it as the other!
So I've reorganised the code completely:
- the seen_disp_event *flag* is now gone. Instead, the
seen_disp_event function tests the scroll_on_disp flag, and if set,
resets the scroll position immediately and sets the general
'scrollbar needs updating' flag.
- keyboard input is handled by doing exactly the same thing except
testing the scroll_on_key flag, so the two systems are properly
independent. That code calls term_schedule_update so that the
terminal will be redrawn as a result of the scroll, but doesn't
also call seen_disp_event() for the rest of the full treatment.
- the term_update code that does the scrollbar update is much
simpler, since now it only needs to test that one flag.
- I also had to set that flag explicitly in scroll() so that the
scrollbar would still be updated as a result of the scrollback size
changing. I think that must have been happening entirely by
accident before.
- term_reset_cblink is subsumed into seen_disp_event, so that only
_substantive_ display updates cause the cursor blink phase to reset
to the start of the solid period.
Result: if programs output no-op sequences like ESC[0m, or if you
press keys that don't echo, then the cursor will carry on blinking
normally, and (if you don't also have scroll_on_key set) the
scrollback won't be reset. And the code is slightly shorter than it
was before, and hopefully more sensible too.
(However, other classes of no-op activity _will_ still cause a cursor
blink phase change and a scrollback reset, such as sending a
cursor-positioning sequence that puts the cursor in the same place it
was already - even something as simple as ^M when already at the start
of the line. It might be nice to fix that, but it's much more
difficult: you'd have to either put a complicated and error-prone test
at every seen_disp_event call site, or else expensively diff the
entire visible terminal state against how it was before. And to avoid
a nondeterministic dependency on the terminal update cooldown, that
diff would have to be done at the granularity of individual control
sequences rather than a bounded number of times a second. I'd rather
(cherry picked from commit bdbd5f429c79a67cc1d5fee7f121b9fe642466ad)
(cherry-picker's note: I also had to remove the initialisation of
the removed field term->seen_disp_event from term_init(), which didn't
need doing on main because commit 74aa3cb7fb088d8 had already replaced
all the boring parts of term_init with a big memset)
A user just reported that 0.79 doesn't build out of the box on Ubuntu
14.04 (trusty), because although its gcc (4.8.4) does _support_ C99,
it doesn't enable it without a non-default -std option. The user was
able to work around the problem by defining CMAKE_C_FLAGS=-std=gnu99,
but it would have been nicer if we'd done that automatically. Setting
CMAKE_C_STANDARD causes cmake to do so.
(This isn't a regression of 0.79 over 0.78 as far as I know; the user
in question said they had last built 0.76.)
I was surprised to find Ubuntu 14.04 still in use at all, but a quick
web search revealed that its support has been extended until next
year, so fair enough, I suppose. It's also running a cmake way older
than we support, but apparently that can be worked around via
Kitware's binary tarball downloads (which do still run on 14.04).
This is a bit unsatisfactory: I'd prefer to ask for C standards
support of _at least_ C99 level, and C11 if possible. Then I could
test for the presence of C11 features via check_c_source_compiles, and
use them opportunistically (e.g. in macro definitions). But as far as
I can see, cmake has no built-in support for asking for a standards
level of 'as new as you can get, but no older than 99'. Oh well.
(In any case, the thing I'd find most useful from C11 is _Generic, and
since that's in implementation namespace, compilers can - and do -
support it in C99 mode anyway. So it's probably fine, at least for now.)
(cherry picked from commit bd27962cd93a7ebb0098c0d6577b5d7340c7424a)
Experimenting with different compile flags pointed out two instances
of typedefing the same name twice (though benignly, with the same
definition as well). PsocksDataSink was typedefed a couple of lines
above its struct definition and then again _with_ its struct
definition; cliloop_continue_t was typedefed in unix/platform.h and
didn't need defining again in unix/psocks.c.
(cherry picked from commit 3d3400788972183b58915e6d62ff37fe9d469083)
That's two releases running I've got most of the way through the
mechanical upload processes and suddenly realised I still have a piece
of creative writing to do. A small one, but even so, there's no reason
it couldn't have been prepared a week in advance like the rest of the
announcements and changelogs. The only reason I didn't is that the
checklist didn't remind me to. Now it does.
(cherry picked from commit da550c3158a3d590ba19b2bd952e9e0111051571)
A user reports, _just_ in time to make the 0.79 release, that changes
in the Windows port of OpenSSH from 8.9.x have made it unhappy with
the use of \ as a path separator in the 'IdentityAgent' config
directive. Switch to /, which is also accepted by earlier versions, so
it should work everywhere.
Spotted by Coverity. If PuTTY is functioning as a sharing upstream,
and a new downstream mishandles the version string exchange in any way
that provokes an error message from share_receive() (such as failing
to start the greeting with the expected protocol-name string), we were
calling share_disconnect() and then going to crFinish. But
share_disconnect is capable of actually freeing the entire
ssh_sharing_connstate which contains the coroutine state - in which
case, crFinish's zeroing out of crLine is a use-after-free.
The usual pattern elsewhere in this code is to exit a coroutine with
an ordinary 'return' when you've destroyed its state structure. Switch
to doing that here.
An irate user complained today that they wished we'd documented
firewalls as a possible cause of WSAECONNREFUSED, because it took them
ages to think of checking that. Fair enough.
Someone just asked us a question which suggests they might have thought
they need to supply both files in the 'Public-key authentication' box in
the config dialog, to use public-key authentication at all. I can see
why someone might think that, anyway.
For serial connections, &H generally expanded to the empty string.
This seems more useful.
(It so happens that &H _could_ expand to the serial line if it came from
the command-line, but that's accidental.)
The pathname of Pageant's named pipe includes the name of the user
running it. And Windows usernames are allowed to have spaces in! So
the pipe pathname may also have a space, in which case Windows OpenSSH
will interpret the spacey pathname as an invalid first half followed
by a trailing garbage word.
A user reports that quoting the filename makes this work. Since double
quotes are an illegal Windows filename character, I think it should
therefore do no harm to quote it unconditionally, which is the easiest
Index the older format as 'PEM-style', since PEM is how it's referred to
in OpenSSH's own docs; and justify why you might want to use the newer
Testing the script described in the previous commit message, Leak
Sanitiser pointed out that we didn't free the LogContext from the
first connection, and overwrote the pointer variable with the one from
the second.
A user points out that it always returned failure, even if it
succeeded. As a result, a 'psftp -b' script of the form
do stuff
do stuff
would terminate at the first 'close', believing it to have failed, and
PSFTP would exit with a failure status.
(Not only that, but there would be no error message indicating _why_
PSFTP had closed, because when a command returns failure it's expected
to have printed an error message already.)
When you send a "publickey" USERAUTH_REQUEST containing a certified
RSA key, and you want to use a SHA-2 based RSA algorithm, modern
OpenSSH expects you to send the algorithm string as But 7.7 and earlier didn't
recognise those names, and expected the algorithm string in the
userauth request packet to be ssh-rsa-cert-v01@... and would then
follow it with an rsa-sha2-NNN signature.
OpenSSH itself has a bug workaround for its own older versions. Follow
If you specify a detached certificate, it's supposed to completely
replace any certificate that might have been embedded in the input PPK
file. But one thing wasn't working: if the key was RSA, and the server
was using new SHA-2 based RSA, and the user provided both an embedded
_and_ detached certificate, then the initial call to
ssh2_userauth_signflags would upgrade the ssh-rsa-cert-... key type to
rsa-sha2-NNN-cert-..., which ssh2_userauth_add_alg_and_publickey's
call to ssh_keyalg_related_alg would not recognise as any of the base
RSA types while trying to decide on the key algorithm string _after_
replacing the certificate.
Fixed by reverting to the the uncertified base algorithm before
calling ssh_keyalg_related_alg.
Introduced in the previous commit. The new ssh_ppl_final_output method
shouldn't be called in any of the error cleanup functions if
ssh->base_layer is NULL, which it can be if we haven't got far enough
through the connection to set up any packet protocol layers at
all. (For example, ECONNREFUSED would do it.)
This should fix the bug mentioned three commits ago: if an SSH server
sends a userauth banner and then immediately slams the connection
shut (with or without SSH_MSG_DISCONNECT), the banner message should
now be reliably printed to the user, which is important if that's
where the server put its explanation for the disconnection (e.g. "Your
account has expired").
(cherry picked from commit e8becb45b540767c6bf04d20c384340e258cc301)
No functional change: I've just pulled out into separate subroutines
the piece of code that process a USERAUTH_BANNER message and append
it to our banner bufchain, and the piece that prints the contents of
the bufchain as user output. This will enable them to be called from
additional places easily.
(cherry picked from commit 99bbbd8d327e5b8e8dc22657dfcdced02225ad75)
This is called just before closing the connection, and gives every PPL
one last chance to output anything to the user that it might have
No functional change: all implementations so far are trivial, except
that the transport layer passes the call on to its higher
layer (because otherwise nothing would do so).
(cherry picked from commit d6e6919f69c29cf4d2a0f19fc1c6eab51ba1ac61)
During the transition to cmake, commit b00e5fb12929da5 renamed
unix/unix.h to unix/platform.h, and for visual consistency, also
renamed the guard macro PUTTY_UNIX_H to PUTTY_UNIX_PLATFORM_H.
But I had failed to notice that that guard macro is re-tested in
settings.c, as a convenient method of knowing whether we're building
the Windows or Unix version of PuTTY in order to store some settings
differently. So all those '#ifdef PUTTY_UNIX_H' statements silently
became equivalent to '#if 0', because PUTTY_UNIX_H is _never_ defined
any more.
Specifically, these ifdefs were causing the time intervals relating to
bell overloads to be off by a factor of 1000, because for some reason
I can't remember, we were storing those intervals using a different
time unit on Unix and Windows. In my own configuration, for example,
~/.putty/sessions/Default%20Settings contains "BellOverloadT=2000000"
and "BellOverloadS=5000000", which originally meant that too many
bells within 2 seconds would silence the bell until there were 5
seconds of silence - but current PuTTY shows it in the configurer as
2000 and 5000 seconds!
This commit belatedly rewrites the ifdefs in settings.c, so that saved
sessions from before 0.77 will now be interpreted correctly. Saved
sessions from after that may need a rewrite. (But you have to have one
or the other.)
(cherry picked from commit 62b69a4f16875e75ece3c06fbe474104c5b5c089)
For the same reason that diffie-hellman-group18 goes below group16:
it's useful to _have_ it there, in case a server demands it, but under
normal circumstances it seems like overkill and a waste of CPU.
SHA-256 is not only intrinsically faster, it's also more likely to be
hardware-accelerated, so PuTTY's preference is to use that if possible
and SHA-512 only if necessary.
(cherry picked from commit 289d123fb8bb8175c5a0d7a9944d45556f3886db)
I saw a post on just now where someone had
encountered an SSH server that would _only_ speak that, which makes it
worth bothering to implement.
The totally obvious implementation works, and passes the test cases
from RFC 6234.
(cherry picked from commit b77e98551336b8025b75a13354348d29a740a2b9)
ssh->base_layer is NULL when the connection is still in its early
stages, before greetings are exchanged. If the user invokes the Change
Settings dialog in this situation, ssh_reconfig would call
ssh_ppl_reconfigure() on ssh->base_layer without checking if it was
NULL first.
(cherry picked from commit d67c13eeb8bf64516aac6c2752eb835e9bc7105a)
In commit d07d7d66f662b67 I rewrote the code that constructs RTF paste
data so that it uses a strbuf, in place of the previous ad-hoc code
that counted up the lengths of pieces of RTF in advance in order to
realloc the buffer.
But apparently I left in an entire loop whose job was to count up one
of those lengths, failing to notice that it's now completely pointless
because its output value is never needed!
Happily a clang upgrade has just improved the 'variable set but not
used' warning to the point where it can spot that. I expect previously
the variable still counted as 'used' because each increment of it used
the previous value.
(cherry picked from commit 6a27ae772c6fb27f8ddb2bec508e3e403be2a516)
When the standalone version of a binary, with its help file included
as a resource, extracts that resource to write it to a disk, it could
have accidentally skipped a byte in the middle if the WriteFile call
in this loop had not managed to write the whole file in one go.
(cherry picked from commit 775d969ca86aa9e9d6d51bd0ee88af8b6369942a)
While writing the previous patch, I realise that walking along a
decrypted string and stopping to complain about the first mismatch you
find is an anti-pattern. If we're going to deliberately give the same
error message for various mismatches, so as not to give away which
part failed first, then we should also avoid giving away the same
information via a timing leak!
I don't think this is serious enough to warrant the full-on advisory
protocol, because XDM-AUTHORIZATION-1 is rarely used these days and
also DES-based, so there are bigger problems with it. (Plus, why on
earth is it based on encryption anyway, not a MAC?) But since I
spotted it in passing, might as well fix it.
(cherry picked from commit 8e7e3c59448013be44b8cba2b7f89a894ee34113)
Now the return value is a dynamically allocated string instead of a
static one, which means that the error message can include details
taken from the specific failing connection. In particular, if someone
requests an X11 authorisation protocol we don't support, we can print
its name as part of the message, which may help users debug the
One particularly important special case of this is that if the client
connection presents _no_ authorisation - which is surely by far the
most likely thing to happen by accident, e.g. if the auth file has
gone missing, or the hostname doesn't match for some reason - then we
now give a specific message "No authorisation provided", which I think
is considerably more helpful than just lumping that very common case
in with "Unsupported authorisation protocol". Even changing the latter
to "Unsupported authorisation protocol ''" is still not very sensible.
The problem in that case is not that the user has tried an exotic auth
protocol we've never heard of - it's that they've forgotten, or
failed, to provide one at all.
The error message for "XDM-AUTHORIZATION-1 data was wrong length" is
the other modified one: it now says what the wrong length _was_.
However, all other failures of X-A-1 are still kept deliberately
vague, because saying which part of the decrypted string didn't match
is an obvious information leak.
(cherry picked from commit dff4bd4d14c4c2abbfa689f9a8f0cd876db5dcc7)
This reverts commit 0615767224a5a5234b1916d45eca29cec1fe4a59
("Windows installer: remove explicit InstallScope setting"), albeit
with different comments.
The original change worked around a Windows security vulnerability
(CVE-2023-21800), but also resulted in a rather broken installer.
(cherry picked from commit cedeb75d59ce0c4b5b18270dbada6976ba07d7b1)
I checked exhaustively today and found that the only characters (even
in Unicode) that Windows's default argv splitter will recognise as
word separators are the space and tab characters. So I think it's a
mistake to use <ctype.h> functions to identify word separators; we
should use that fixed character pair, and then we know we're getting
the right ones only.
(cherry picked from commit 9adfa797677ba5cc5a5c9db45e593a9e4ab293aa)
I thought I'd found all of these before, but perhaps a few managed to
slip in since I last looked. The character argument to the <ctype.h>
functions must have the value of an unsigned char or EOF; passing an
ordinary char (unless you know char is unsigned on every platform the
code will ever go near) risks mistaking '\xFF' for EOF, and causing
outright undefined behaviour on byte values in the range 80-FE. Never
do it.
(cherry picked from commit a76109c586944d9ace03ca6a54b7f8173f6c0deb)
Another bug turned up by writing tests. The code that spots that the
character won't fit, and wraps it to the next line setting
LATTR_WRAPPED2, was not checking that wrap mode was _enabled_ before
doing that. So if you printed a DW character in the rightmost column
while the terminal was in non-auto-wrap mode, you'd get an unwanted
Other terminals disagree on what to do here. xterm leaves the cursor
in the same place and doesn't print any character at all.
gnome-terminal, on the other hand, backspaces by a character so that
it _can_ print the requested DW character, in the rightmost _two_
I think I don't much like either of those, so instead I'm using the
same fallback we use for displaying a DW character when the whole
terminal is only one column wide: if there is physically no room to
print the requested character, turn it into U+FFFD REPLACEMENT
(cherry picked from commit ed5bf9b3b86a45b36468a6f29d535d2f74436387)