I only recently found out that OpenSSH defined their own protocol IDs
for AES-GCM, defined to work the same as the standard ones except that
they fixed the semantics for how you select the linked cipher+MAC pair
during key exchange.
(RFC 5647 defines protocol ids for AES-GCM in both the cipher and MAC
namespaces, and requires that you MUST select both or neither - but
this contradicts the selection policy set out in the base SSH RFCs,
and there's no discussion of how you resolve a conflict between them!
OpenSSH's answer is to do it the same way ChaCha20-Poly1305 works,
because that will ensure the two suites don't fight.)
People do occasionally ask us for this linked cipher/MAC pair, and now
I know it's actually feasible, I've implemented it, including a pair
of vector implementations for x86 and Arm using their respective
architecture extensions for multiplying polynomials over GF(2).
Unlike ChaCha20-Poly1305, I've kept the cipher and MAC implementations
in separate objects, with an arm's-length link between them that the
MAC uses when it needs to encrypt single cipher blocks to use as the
inputs to the MAC algorithm. That enables the cipher and the MAC to be
independently selected from their hardware-accelerated versions, just
in case someone runs on a system that has polynomial multiplication
instructions but not AES acceleration, or vice versa.
There's a fourth implementation of the GCM MAC, which is a pure
software implementation of the same algorithm used in the vectorised
versions. It's too slow to use live, but I've kept it in the code for
future testing needs, and because it's a convenient place to dump my
design comments.
The vectorised implementations are fairly crude as far as optimisation
goes. I'm sure serious x86 _or_ Arm optimisation engineers would look
at them and laugh. But GCM is a fast MAC compared to HMAC-SHA-256
(indeed compared to HMAC-anything-at-all), so it should at least be
good enough to use. And we've got a working version with some tests
now, so if someone else wants to improve them, they can.
We're now setting the help context centrally in ssh/common.c - but I
forgot to remove the _old_ assignment statements, which overwrite
whatever that asks for. Oops.
OpenSSH, when called on to give the fingerprint of a certified public
key, will in many circumstances generate the hash of the public blob
of the _underlying_ key, rather than the hash of the full certificate.
I think the hash of the certificate is also potentially useful (if
nothing else, it provides a way to tell apart multiple certificates on
the same key). But I can also see that it's useful to be able to
recognise a key as the same one 'really' (since all certificates on
the same key share a private key, so they're unavoidably related).
So I've dealt with this by introducing an extra pair of fingerprint
types, giving the cross product of {MD5, SHA-256} x {base key only,
full certificate}. You can manually select which one you want to see
in some circumstances (notably PuTTYgen), and in others (such as
diagnostics) both fingerprints will be emitted side by side via the
new functions ssh2_double_fingerprint[_blob].
The default, following OpenSSH, is to just fingerprint the base key.
This patch fixes a few other whitespace and formatting issues which
were pointed out by the bulk-reindent or which I spotted in passing,
some involving manual editing to break lines more nicely.
I think the weirdest hunk in here is the one in windows/window.c
TranslateKey() where _half_ of an assignment statement inside an 'if'
was on the same line as the trailing paren of the if condition. No
idea at all how that one managed to happen!
I think a lot of these were inserted by a prior run through GNU indent
many years ago. I noticed in a more recent experiment that that tool
doesn't always correctly distinguish which instances of 'id * id' are
pointer variable declarations and which are multiplications, so it
spaces some of the former as if they were the latter.
If the function name (or expression) in a function call or declaration
is itself so long that even the first argument doesn't fit after it on
the same line, or if that would leave so little space that it would be
silly to try to wrap all the run-on lines into a tall thin column,
then I used to do this
(arg1, arg2, arg3);
and now prefer this
arg1, arg2, arg3);
I picked up the habit from Python, where the latter idiom is required
by Python's syntactic significance of newlines (you can write the
former if you use a backslash-continuation, but pretty much everyone
seems to agree that that's much uglier). But I've found it works well
in C as well: it makes it more obvious that the previous line is
incomplete, it gives you a tiny bit more space to wrap the following
lines into (the old idiom indents the _third_ line one space beyond
the second), and I generally turn out to agree with the knock-on
indentation decisions made by at least Emacs if you do it in the
middle of a complex expression. Plus, of course, using the _same_
idiom between C and Python means less state-switching.
So, while I'm making annoying indentation changes in general, this
seems like a good time to dig out all the cases of the old idiom in
this code, and switch them over to the new.
My aim has always been to have those back-dented by 2 spaces (half an
indent level) compared to the statements around them, so that in
particular switch statements have distinct alignment for the
statement, the cases and the interior code without consuming two whole
indent levels.
This patch sweeps up all the violations of that principle found by my
bulk-reindentation exercise.
My bulk indentation check also turned up a lot of cases where a run-on
function call or if statement didn't have its later lines aligned
correctly relative to the open paren.
I think this is quite easy to do by getting things out of
sync (editing the first line of the function call and forgetting to
update the rest, perhaps even because you never _saw_ the rest during
a search-replace). But a few didn't quite fit into that pattern, in
particular an outright misleading case in unix/askpass.c where the
second line of a call was aligned neatly below the _wrong_ one of the
open parens on the opening line.
Restored as many alignments as I could easily find.
In several pieces of development recently I've run across the
occasional code block in the middle of a function which suddenly
switched to 2-space indent from this code base's usual 4. I decided I
was tired of it, so I ran the whole code base through a re-indenter,
which made a huge mess, and then manually sifted out the changes that
actually made sense from that pass.
Indeed, this caught quite a few large sections with 2-space indent
level, a couple with 8, and a handful of even weirder things like 3
spaces or 12. This commit fixes them all.
The fixed tab stops that we used to use in the old LBS_HASSTRINGS list
box, and that I carefully replicated in the new owner-drawn version,
are no more! Now, every time we refresh the key list, we actually
_measure_ the maximum size of string that needs to fit into each
column, and size the columns based on that.
Now I don't have to worry any more about whether the set of algorithm
names might one day overflow the fixed column width, or whether a
particularly unlucky choice of key with lots of wide letters like M
and W in its base64-encoded SHA256 hash might do the same.
Also, the previous column sizes were pessimistic (for reason of
exactly that worry), so this change generally moves things over
towards the left of the list box - which means there's now room for
longer key comments, and more chance of the suffixes '(encrypted)' or
'(re-encryptable)' being visible on the right.
The test in the Pageant list box code for whether we should display
the bit count of a key was done by checking specifically for ssh_rsa
or ssh_dsa, which of course meant that it didn't catch the certified
versions of those keys.
Now there's yet another footling ssh_keyalg method that asks the
question 'is it worth displaying the bit count?', to which RSA and DSA
answer yes, and the opensshcert family delegates to its base key type,
so that RSA and DSA certified keys also answer yes.
(This isn't the same as ssh_key_public_bits(alg, blob) >= 0. All
supported public key algorithms _can_ display a bit count if called
on. But only in RSA and DSA is it configurable, and therefore worth
bothering to print in the list box.)
Also in this commit, I've fixed a bug in the certificate
implementation of public_bits, which was passing a wrongly formatted
public blob to the underlying key. (Done by factoring out the code
from opensshcert_new_shared which constructed the _correct_ public
blob, and reusing it in public_bits to do the same job.)
If you load a certified key into Windows Pageant, the official SSH id
for the key type is so long that it overflows its space in the list
box and overlaps the key fingerprint hash.
This commit introduces yet another footling little ssh_keyalg method
which returns a shorter human-readable description of the key type,
and uses that in the Windows Pageant list box only.
(Not in the Unix Pageant list, though, because being output to stdout,
that seems like something people are more likely to want to
machine-read, which firstly means we shouldn't change it lightly, and
secondly, if we did change it we'd want to avoid having a variable
number of spaces in the replacement key type text.)
The main key list control in the Pageant window was previously an
ordinary LBS_HASSTRINGS list box, with tab characters aligning the
various parts of the key information into different columns. This was
fragile because any mistake in the font metrics could have overflowed
a tab stop and forced the text to move on to the next one.
Now I've switched the list box into LBS_OWNERDRAWFIXED mode, which
means that in place of a string for each list item I store a struct of
my choice, and I have to draw the list-box entries myself by
responding to WM_DRAWITEM. So now I'm drawing each component of the
key information as a separate call to ExtTextOut (plus one
TabbedTextOut to put the '(encrypted)' suffix on the end), which means
that the tab stops are now guaranteed to appear where I tell them to.
No functional change, for the moment: this is pure refactoring. As
closely as I can tell, the appearance of the list box is
pixel-for-pixel what it was before this commit. But it opens the door
for two further improvements (neither one done in this commit): I can
dynamically choose the tab stop locations based on querying the text
metrics of the strings that will actually need to fit in the columns,
and also, whatever reorganisation I need to do to make certificates
fit sensibly in this list box can now be done without worrying about
breaking anything terribly fragile.
The main list box in the Pageant key list window was identified by a
numeric control id, even though pageant-rc.h has a nice meaningful
macro name for it (and pageant.c uses that).
When PuTTYgen is holding a certified key, I don't think there's any
sensible use for pasting around the full public key in authorized_keys
format, because the whole point is that what you put in
authorized_keys is 'please trust this CA' rather than the specific
key. So instead I've reused the space in the dialog box to indicate
that it's a certificate, and provide a 'more info' sub-dialog.
I'm about to want setupbigedit1 and setupbigedit2 to know the control
ids themselves, and also add more controls to the enum, and it keeps
the diffs more legible if I move the entire enum around unchanged
_first_ and then start making small changes in the middle of it.
Most of the Windows-specific dialog control construction functions
were passing their string parameters as 'char *' even though they were
string literals. Apparently none of our previous giant constification
patches spotted that.
A user reports that if the Print Spooler service is disabled via
services.msc, then PuTTY can report 'Out of memory!' when you try to
open the Terminal config pane, which is the one containing the combo
box enumerating the available printers.
Apparently this is because the call to EnumPrinters failed with the
error code other than the expected ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER, and in
the process, left garbage in the pcbNeeded output parameter. That
wouldn't be too surprising if it had simply _not written_ to that
parameter and therefore it was never initialised at all in the calling
function printer_add_enum. But in fact, printer_add_enum *does*
precautionarily initialise needed=0 before the initial call to
EnumPrinters. So EnumPrinters must have actively written one of its
*own* uninitialised variables into it!
Anyway, the obvious fix is to distinguish ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER
from any other kind of EnumPrinters failure (in fact turning off Print
Spooler seems to lead to RPC_S_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE), and not attempt to
proceed in the case of other failures.
In the 'xterm 216+' function key mode, a function key pressed with a
combination of Shift, Ctrl and Alt has its usual sequence like
ESC[n~ (for some integer n) turned into ESC[n;m~ where m-1 is a 3-bit
bitmap of currently pressed modifier keys.
This mode now also applies to the keys on the small keypad above the
arrow keys (Ins, Home, PgUp etc). If xterm 216+ mode is selected,
those keys are modified in the same way as the function keys.
As with the function keys, this doesn't guarantee that PuTTY will
_receive_ any particular shifted key of this kind, and not repurpose
it. Just as Alt+F4 still closes the window (at least on Windows)
rather than sending a modified F4 sequence, Shift+Ins will still
perform a paste action rather than sending a modified Ins sequence,
Shift-PgUp will still scroll the scrollback, etc. But the keys not
already used by PuTTY for other purposes should now have their
modern-xterm behaviour in modern-xterm mode.
Thanks to H.Merijn Brand for developing and testing a version of this
The text of the host key warnings was replicated in three places: the
Windows rc file, the GTK dialog setup function, and the console.c
shared between both platforms' CLI tools. Now it lives in just one
place, namely ssh/common.c where the rest of the centralised host-key
checking is done, so it'll be easier to adjust the wording in future.
This comes with some extra automation. Paragraph wrapping is no longer
done by hand in any version of these prompts. (Previously we let GTK
do the wrapping on GTK, but on Windows the resource file contained a
bunch of pre-wrapped LTEXT lines, and console.c had pre-wrapped
terminal messages.) And the dialog heights in Windows are determined
automatically based on the amount of stuff in the window.
The main idea of all this is that it'll be easier to set up more
elaborate kinds of host key prompt that deal with certificates (if,
e.g., a server sends us a certified host key which we don't trust the
CA for). But there are side benefits of this refactoring too: each
tool now reliably inserts its own appname in the prompts, and also, on
Windows the entire prompt text is copy-pastable.
Details of implementation: there's a new type SeatDialogText which
holds a set of (type, string) pairs describing the contents of a
prompt. Type codes distinguish ordinary text paragraphs, paragraphs to
be displayed prominently (like key fingerprints), the extra-bold scary
title at the top of the 'host key changed' version of the dialog, and
the various information that lives in the subsidiary 'more info' box.
ssh/common.c constructs this, and passes it to the Seat to present the
actual prompt.
In order to deal with the different UI for answering the prompt, I've
added an extra Seat method 'prompt_descriptions' which returns some
snippets of text to interpolate into the messages. ssh/common.c calls
that while it's still constructing the text, and incorporates the
resulting snippets into the SeatDialogText.
For the moment, this refactoring only affects the host key prompts.
The warnings about outmoded crypto are still done the old-fashioned
way; they probably ought to be similarly refactored to use this new
SeatDialogText system, but it's not immediately critical for the
purpose I have right now.
They were previously using an ad-hoc system for getting hold of their
context structure, which had to be different between the WM_INITDIALOG
handler and everything else. That's exactly what ShinyDialogBox is
good for preventing, so let's use it, to save effort.
Partly, this just seems more sensible, since it may well vary per
platform beyond the ability of intorptr to specify. But more
immediately it means the definition of the HELPCTX macro doesn't have
to use the P() function from dialog.h, which isn't defined in any
circumstances outside the config subsystem. And I'm about to want to
put a help context well outside that subsystem.
This replaces the previous placeholder scheme of having a list of
hostname wildcards with implicit logical-OR semantics (if any wildcard
matched then the certificate would be trusted to sign for that host).
That scheme didn't allow for exceptions within a domain ('everything
in example.com except extra-high-security-machine.example.com'), and
also had no way to specify port numbers.
In the new system, you can still write a hostname wildcard by itself
in the simple case, but now those are just atomic subexpressions in a
boolean-logic domain-specific language I've made up. So if you want
multiple wildcards, you can separate them with || in a single longer
expression, and also you can use && and ! to impose exceptions on top
of that.
Full details of the expression language are in the comment at the top
of utils/cert-expr.c. It'll need documenting properly before release,
of course.
For the sake of backwards compatibility for early adopters who've
already set up configuration in the old system, I've put in some code
that will read the old MatchHosts configuration and automatically
translate it into the equivalent boolean expression (by simply
stringing together the list of wildcards with || between them).
This manipulates the selection inside an edit box, to select a
specific range of characters in the contained text. The idea is that
you can use it as a means of error highlighting, if the user has
entered something invalid in that edit box and you want to draw their
attention to the specific location of the part you're unhappy with.
ctrl_radiobuttons has a variadic argument list that it expects to be
terminated by a null pointer where a const char * should be. So the
terminating NULL at each call site ought to be cast to const char *,
for the usual reason (NULL might expand literally to something not the
same size as a pointer and get mis-marshalled in the variadic argument
list). It wasn't being.
Fixed in the same way as dupcat: I've turned ctrl_radiobuttons into a
macro wrapper on the underlying function, which adds the NULL
automatically with its correct cast. This also saves verbiage at every
call site, because now I can leave out all the NULLs there.
Instead of maintaining a single sparse table mapping Unicode to the
currently selected code page, we now maintain a collection of such
tables mapping Unicode to any code page we've so far found a need to
work with, and we add code pages to that list as necessary, and never
throw them away (since there are a limited number of them).
This means that the wc_to_mb family of functions are effectively
stateless: they no longer depend on a 'struct unicode_data'
corresponding to the current terminal settings. So I've removed that
parameter from all of them.
This fills in the missing piece of yesterday's commit a216d86106d40c3:
now wc_to_mb too should be able to handle internally-implemented
character sets, by hastily making their reverse mapping table if it
doesn't already have it.
(That was only a _latent_ bug, because the only use of wc_to_mb in the
cross-platform or Windows code _did_ want to convert to the currently
selected code page, so the old strategy worked in that case. But there
was no protection against an unworkable use of it being added later.)
A user points out that the new charset-aware window title setting
doesn't work if the configured character set is one of the entries in
cp_list[] based on a hard-coded Unicode translation table, such as the
ISO 8859 family.
That's because the Windows mb_to_wc() function assumes that the code
page it's given will always be OK to pass to the Windows API function
MultiByteToWideChar, forgetting that for those internally implemented
single-byte character sets are not.
This commit adds a manual implementation of SBCS -> Unicode based on
those tables, which restores the ability to set a window title
specified in ISO 8859.
However, it's not a full fix to windows/unicode.c in general, because
wc_to_mb has a similar blind spot: it's only prepared to convert
Unicode to an internally implemented SBCS if that SBCS happens to be
the one currently set in ucsdata->line_codepage, because that's when
we've already prepared the reverse lookup table. Probably we ought to
sort that out, and arrange that it can make the reverse lookup table
if suddenly called on to do a different conversion. But that needs
more refactoring, so I haven't done it in this commit.
Fixes a cosmetic issue where the new ConPTY error added in 4ae8b742ab
had an ugly "Unable to open connection to".
(Arguably this ought to test a backend property rather than
This makes pterm.exe support the same (very small) subset of the
standard option collection that Unix pterm does. Namely, -load (which
won't do anything useful with a hostname to connect to, but is still
useful if you have a saved session containing configuration like
colours or default size or what have you), and also -sessionlog.
To make this work, I've had to move the 'tooltype' definition out of
window.c into {putty,pterm}.c, so that it can be defined differently
in the two.
Turns out that standard C 'size_t' and the Win32 API's 'SIZE_T' aren't
the same integer type in all cases! They have the same _size_, but in
32-bit, one of them is a typedef for 'unsigned int' and the other for
'unsigned long', leading to annoying pointer-type mismatch warnings.
This matches the way it's done in the GTK backend: the only thing that
happens inside seat_notify_remote_exit is that we schedule a toplevel
callback, and all the real work happens later on when that callback is
The particular situation where this makes a difference is if you
perform a user abort during proxy authentication (e.g. hit ^D at a
proxy password prompt), so that the main SSH backend gets
PLUGCLOSE_USER_ABORT and calls ssh_user_close. That doesn't
immediately close the socket; it just sets ssh->pending_close,
schedules a run of ssh_bpp_output_raw_data_callback, and returns.
So if seat_notify_remote_exit calls back _synchronously_ to
ssh_return_exitcode, it will see that the socket is still open and
return -1. But if it schedules a callback and waits, then the callback
to ssh_bpp_output_raw_data_callback will happen first, which will
close the socket, and then the exit processing will get the right
So the user-visible effect is that if you ^D a proxy auth prompt, GTK
PuTTY will close the whole window (assuming you didn't set close-on-
exit to 'never'), whereas Windows PuTTY will leave the window open,
and not even know that the connection is now shut (in that it'll still
ask 'Are you sure you want to close this session?' if you try to close
it by hand).
With this fix, Windows PuTTY behaves the same as GTK in this respect.
When the user provides a password on the PuTTY command line, via -pw
or -pwfile, the flag 'tried_once' inside cmdline_get_passwd_input() is
intended to arrange that we only try sending that password once, and
after we've sent it, we don't try again.
But this plays badly with the 'Restart Session' operation. If the
connection is lost and then restarted at user request, we _do_ want to
send that password again!
So this commit moves that static variable out into a small state
structure held by the client of cmdline_get_passwd_input. Each client
can decide how to manage that state itself.
Clients that support 'Restart Session' - i.e. just GUI PuTTY itself -
will initialise the state at the same time as instantiating the
backend, so that every time the session is restarted, we return
to (correctly) believing that we _haven't_ yet tried the password
provided on the command line.
But clients that don't support 'Restart Session' - i.e. Plink and file
transfer tools - can do the same thing that cmdline.c was doing
before: just keep the state in a static variable.
This also means that the GUI login tools will now retain the
command-line password in memory, whereas previously they'd have wiped
it out once it was used. But the other tools will still wipe and free
the password, because I've also added a 'bool restartable' flag to
cmdline_get_passwd_input to let it know when it _is_ allowed to do
In the GUI tools, I don't see any way to get round that, because if
the session is restarted you _have_ to still have the password to use
again. (And you can't infer that that will never happen from the
CONF_close_on_exit setting, because that too could be changed in
mid-session.) On the other hand, I think it's not all that worrying,
because the use of either -pw or -pwfile means that a persistent copy
of your password is *already* stored somewhere, so another one isn't
too big a stretch.
(Due to the change of -pw policy in 0.77, the effect of this bug was
that an attempt to reconnect in a session set up this way would lead
to "Configured password was not accepted". In 0.76, the failure mode
was different: PuTTY would interactively prompt for the password,
having wiped it out of memory after it was used the first time round.)
In the changes around commit 420fe75552afa94, I made the terminal
suspend output processing while it waited for a term_size() callback
in response to a resize request. Because on X11 there are unusual
circumstances in which you never receive that callback, I also added a
last-ditch 5-second timeout, so that eventually we'll resume terminal
output processing regardless.
But the timeout lives in terminal.c, in the cross-platform code. This
is pointless on Windows (where resize processing is synchronous, so we
always finish it before the timer code next gets called anyway), but I
decided it was easier to keep the whole mechanism in terminal.c in the
absence of a good reason not to.
Now I've found that reason. We _also_ generate window resizes locally
to the GTK front end, in response to the key combinations that change
the font size, and _those_ still have an asynchrony problem.
So, to begin with, I'm refactoring the request_resize system so that
now there's an explicit callback from the frontend to the terminal to
say 'Your resize request has now been processed, whether or not you've
received a term_size() call'. On Windows, this simplifies matters
greatly because we always know exactly when to call that, and don't
have to keep a 'have we called term_size() already?' flag. On GTK, the
timing complexity previously in terminal.c has moved into window.c.
No functional change (I hope). The payoff will be in the next commit.
The previous fix on pre-0.77 was non-disruptive and just enough to get
through my Coverity build (which uses winelib); but now that I look at
the rest of the Winelib build output, there are some further warnings
I should fix on main.
Most of them are more long/LONG confusion (specific to Winelib, rather
than real Windows); also, there's a multiple macro definition in
jump-list.c because Winelib defines _PROPVARIANT_INIT_DEFINED_ in
place of _PROPVARIANTINIT_DEFINED_ which we were testing for. (Bah.)
And in windows/window.c I used wcscmp without including <wchar.h>.
In spite of long vs LONG I still had to turn off one or two more
DLL-loading typechecks.
save_screenshot() returns a dynamically allocated error message in
case of failure, and Coverity complained of a memory leak when it was
ignored in putty.c.
The memory leak is trivial, because we were about to terminate the
process with an error anyway. But it's a good point that I forgot to
report the error!
Not critical enough to fix on 0.77 (where Coverity found it), but we
might as well make it look sensible on main.
In Winelib, you have to be careful not to say 'unsigned long' where
the API expects ULONG, because Winelib doesn't have the Windows LLP64
nature - its unsigned long is 64 bits, whereas ULONG is 32.
Also, my local Winelib has <dwmapi.h> (used in the new demo-screenshot
system), but doesn't contain some of the definitions inside it. So
I've expanded the cmake test of HAVE_DWMAPI_H so that it actually
checks the things we need, instead of just the existence of the
containing header.
Now we check that we can actually make an ssh_key out of it, and
moreover, that the key is of a sensible kind (i.e. not a certificate
in turn). If that's not true, we report something about the problem in
a new CTRL_TEXT below the public key input box. If the key _is_ valid,
that same text control is used to show its type, length and
On Windows, I've widened the dialog box a little to make fingerprints
fit sensibly in it.
This is for cases where they're presenting information to the user
that wouldn't wrap sensibly anyway (such as an SSH key fingerprint
which is mostly all one word), and in which newlines might be
On GTK, the implementing widget is still a GtkLabel, but without the
wrap flag set, and wrapped in a GtkScrolledWindow in case the text is
too wide to fit.
On Windows, I've switched to using an edit box instead of a static
text control, making it readonly, and borderless via my existing
MakeDlgItemBorderless helper function. This doesn't get you an actual
scrollbar, but it does mean you can scroll left and right by dragging
with the mouse.
Various alignments I want to do in the host CA box have shown up
deficiencies in this system, so I've reworked it a bit.
Firstly, you can now specify more than two controls to be tied
together with an align_next_to (e.g. multiple checkboxes alongside
something else).
Secondly, as well as forcing the controls to be the same height as
each other, the layout algorithm will also move the later controls
further _downward_, so that their top y positions also line up. Until
now that hasn't been necessary, because they lined up already.
In the GTK implementation of this via the Columns class, I've renamed
'columns_force_same_height' to 'columns_align_next_to', and similarly
for some of the internal fields, since the latter change makes the
previous names a misnomer.
In the Windows implementation, I found it most convenient to set this
up by following a linked list of align_next_to fields backwards. But
it won't always be convenient to initialise them that way, so I've
also written a crude normaliser that will rewrite those links into a
canonical form. But I only call that on Windows; it's unnecessary in
GTK, where the Columns class provides plenty of per-widget extra
storage so I just keep each alignment class as a circular list.
Apparently I never re-tested that option when I revamped Pageant's
command-line option parsing in commit dc183e1649b429a, because it's
now off by one in figuring out which argument to treat as the start of
the command to be run.
(The new code in that commit is the same shape as the old code but
with variables renamed, and that was the mistake, because in the old
code, the argument index i pointed to the -c option, whereas in the
new code, match_opt has already advanced amo.index to the next word.
So the two index variables _shouldn't_ be treated the same.)