I've replaced the random number generation and small delta-finding
loop in primegen() with a much more elaborate system in its own source
file, with unit tests and everything.
Immediate benefits:
- fixes a theoretical possibility of overflowing the target number of
bits, if the random number was so close to the top of the range
that the addition of delta * factor pushed it over. However, this
only happened with negligible probability.
- fixes a directional bias in delta-finding. The previous code
incremented the number repeatedly until it found a value coprime to
all the right things, which meant that a prime preceded by a
particularly long sequence of numbers with tiny factors was more
likely to be chosen. Now we select candidate delta values at
random, that bias should be eliminated.
- changes the semantics of the outermost primegen() function to make
them easier to use, because now the caller specifies the 'bits' and
'firstbits' values for the actual returned prime, rather than
having to account for the factor you're multiplying it by in DSA.
DSA client code is correspondingly adjusted.
Future benefits:
- having the candidate generation in a separate function makes it
easy to reuse in alternative prime generation strategies
- the available constraints support applications such as Maurer's
algorithm for generating provable primes, or strong primes for RSA
in which both p-1 and p+1 have a large factor. So those become
things we could experiment with in future.
Mostly because I just had a neat idea about how to expose that large
mutable array without it being a mutable global variable: make it a
static in its own module, and expose only a _pointer_ to it, which is
While I'm there, changed the name to something more descriptive.