mirror of https://git.tartarus.org/simon/putty.git synced 2025-03-21 06:08:41 -05:00
Simon Tatham 5c9a43f478 HTTP proxy: support 'Transfer-encoding: chunked'.
I had a report that the Windows free-as-in-beer proxy tool 'FreeProxy'
didn't work with the new HTTP proxy code, and it turns out that the
first reason why not is that the error-document in its 407 response is
sent via chunked transfer encoding, which is to say, instead of an
up-front Content-length header, you receive a sequence of chunks each
prefixed with a hex length.

(In 0.76, before the rewritten proxy support, we never even noticed
this because we sent Basic auth details up front in our first attempt,
rather than attempting a no-auth connection first and waiting to see
what kind of auth the proxy asks us for. So we'd only ever see a 407
if the auth details were refused - and since 0.76 didn't have
interactive proxy auth prompts, there was nothing we could do at that
point but abort immediately, without attempting to parse the rest of
the 407 at all.)

Now we spot the Transfer-encoding header and successfully parse
chunked transfers. Happily, we don't need to worry about the further
transfer-encodings such as 'gzip', because we're not actually _using_
the error document - we only have to skip over it to find the end of
the HTTP response.

This still doesn't make PuTTY work with FreeProxy, because there are
further problems hiding behind that one, which I'll fix in following
2022-02-19 12:50:51 +00:00

780 lines
27 KiB

* HTTP CONNECT proxy negotiation.
#include "putty.h"
#include "network.h"
#include "proxy.h"
#include "sshcr.h"
static bool read_line(bufchain *input, strbuf *output, bool is_header)
char c;
while (bufchain_try_fetch(input, &c, 1)) {
if (is_header && output->len > 0 &&
output->s[output->len - 1] == '\n') {
* A newline terminates the header, provided we're sure it
* is _not_ followed by a space or a tab.
if (c != ' ' && c != '\t')
goto done; /* we have a complete header line */
} else {
put_byte(output, c);
bufchain_consume(input, 1);
if (!is_header && output->len > 0 &&
output->s[output->len - 1] == '\n') {
/* If we're looking for just a line, not an HTTP
* header, then any newline terminates it. */
goto done;
return false;
strbuf_chomp(output, '\n');
strbuf_chomp(output, '\r');
return true;
/* Types of HTTP authentication, in preference order. */
typedef enum HttpAuthType {
AUTH_ERROR, /* if an HttpAuthDetails was never satisfactorily filled in */
AUTH_NONE, /* if no auth header is seen, assume no auth required */
AUTH_BASIC, /* username + password sent in clear (only keyless base64) */
AUTH_DIGEST, /* cryptographic hash, most preferred if available */
} HttpAuthType;
typedef struct HttpAuthDetails {
HttpAuthType auth_type;
bool digest_nonce_was_stale;
HttpDigestHash digest_hash;
strbuf *realm, *nonce, *opaque, *error;
bool got_opaque;
bool hash_username;
} HttpAuthDetails;
typedef struct HttpProxyNegotiator {
int crLine;
strbuf *response, *header, *token;
int http_status_pos;
size_t header_pos;
strbuf *username, *password;
int http_status;
bool connection_close;
HttpAuthDetails *next_auth;
bool try_auth_from_conf;
strbuf *uri;
uint32_t nonce_count;
prompts_t *prompts;
int username_prompt_index, password_prompt_index;
size_t content_length, chunk_length;
bool chunked_transfer;
ProxyNegotiator pn;
} HttpProxyNegotiator;
static inline HttpAuthDetails *auth_error(HttpAuthDetails *d,
const char *fmt, ...)
d->auth_type = AUTH_ERROR;
put_fmt(d->error, "Unable to parse auth header from HTTP proxy");
if (fmt) {
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, fmt);
put_datalit(d->error, ": ");
put_fmtv(d->error, fmt, ap);
return d;
static HttpAuthDetails *http_auth_details_new(void)
HttpAuthDetails *d = snew(HttpAuthDetails);
memset(d, 0, sizeof(*d));
d->realm = strbuf_new();
d->nonce = strbuf_new();
d->opaque = strbuf_new();
d->error = strbuf_new();
return d;
static void http_auth_details_free(HttpAuthDetails *d)
static ProxyNegotiator *proxy_http_new(const ProxyNegotiatorVT *vt)
HttpProxyNegotiator *s = snew(HttpProxyNegotiator);
memset(s, 0, sizeof(*s));
s->pn.vt = vt;
s->response = strbuf_new();
s->header = strbuf_new();
s->token = strbuf_new();
s->username = strbuf_new();
s->password = strbuf_new_nm();
s->uri = strbuf_new();
s->nonce_count = 0;
* Always start with a CONNECT request containing no auth. If the
* proxy rejects that, it will tell us what kind of auth it would
* prefer.
s->next_auth = http_auth_details_new();
s->next_auth->auth_type = AUTH_NONE;
return &s->pn;
static void proxy_http_free(ProxyNegotiator *pn)
HttpProxyNegotiator *s = container_of(pn, HttpProxyNegotiator, pn);
if (s->prompts)
X(HDR_CONNECTION, "Connection") \
X(HDR_CONTENT_LENGTH, "Content-Length") \
X(HDR_TRANSFER_ENCODING, "Transfer-Encoding") \
X(HDR_PROXY_AUTHENTICATE, "Proxy-Authenticate") \
/* end of list */
typedef enum HttpHeader {
#define ENUM_DEF(id, string) id,
#undef ENUM_DEF
} HttpHeader;
static inline bool is_whitespace(char c)
return (c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\n');
static inline bool is_separator(char c)
return (c == '(' || c == ')' || c == '<' || c == '>' || c == '@' ||
c == ',' || c == ';' || c == ':' || c == '\\' || c == '"' ||
c == '/' || c == '[' || c == ']' || c == '?' || c == '=' ||
c == '{' || c == '}');
static bool get_end_of_header(HttpProxyNegotiator *s)
size_t pos = s->header_pos;
while (pos < s->header->len && is_whitespace(s->header->s[pos]))
if (pos == s->header->len) {
s->header_pos = pos;
return true;
return false;
static bool get_token(HttpProxyNegotiator *s)
size_t pos = s->header_pos;
while (pos < s->header->len && is_whitespace(s->header->s[pos]))
if (pos == s->header->len)
return false; /* end of string */
if (is_separator(s->header->s[pos]))
return false;
while (pos < s->header->len &&
!is_whitespace(s->header->s[pos]) &&
put_byte(s->token, s->header->s[pos++]);
s->header_pos = pos;
return true;
static bool get_separator(HttpProxyNegotiator *s, char sep)
size_t pos = s->header_pos;
while (pos < s->header->len && is_whitespace(s->header->s[pos]))
if (pos == s->header->len)
return false; /* end of string */
if (s->header->s[pos] != sep)
return false;
s->header_pos = ++pos;
return true;
static bool get_quoted_string(HttpProxyNegotiator *s)
size_t pos = s->header_pos;
while (pos < s->header->len && is_whitespace(s->header->s[pos]))
if (pos == s->header->len)
return false; /* end of string */
if (s->header->s[pos] != '"')
return false;
while (pos < s->header->len && s->header->s[pos] != '"') {
if (s->header->s[pos] == '\\') {
/* Backslash makes the next char literal, even if it's " or \ */
if (pos == s->header->len)
return false; /* unexpected end of string */
put_byte(s->token, s->header->s[pos++]);
if (pos == s->header->len)
return false; /* no closing quote */
s->header_pos = pos;
return true;
static HttpAuthDetails *parse_http_auth_header(HttpProxyNegotiator *s)
HttpAuthDetails *d = http_auth_details_new();
/* Default hash for HTTP Digest is MD5, if none specified explicitly */
d->digest_hash = HTTP_DIGEST_MD5;
if (!get_token(s))
return auth_error(d, "parse error");
if (!stricmp(s->token->s, "Basic")) {
/* For Basic authentication, we don't need anything else. The
* realm string is not required for the protocol. */
d->auth_type = AUTH_BASIC;
return d;
if (!stricmp(s->token->s, "Digest")) {
/* Parse all the additional parts of the Digest header. */
if (!http_digest_available)
return auth_error(d, "Digest authentication not supported");
/* Parse the rest of the Digest header */
while (true) {
if (!get_token(s))
return auth_error(d, "parse error in Digest header");
if (!stricmp(s->token->s, "realm")) {
if (!get_separator(s, '=') ||
return auth_error(d, "parse error in Digest realm field");
put_datapl(d->realm, ptrlen_from_strbuf(s->token));
} else if (!stricmp(s->token->s, "nonce")) {
if (!get_separator(s, '=') ||
return auth_error(d, "parse error in Digest nonce field");
put_datapl(d->nonce, ptrlen_from_strbuf(s->token));
} else if (!stricmp(s->token->s, "opaque")) {
if (!get_separator(s, '=') ||
return auth_error(d, "parse error in Digest opaque field");
d->got_opaque = true;
} else if (!stricmp(s->token->s, "stale")) {
if (!get_separator(s, '=') ||
return auth_error(d, "parse error in Digest stale field");
d->digest_nonce_was_stale = !stricmp(
s->token->s, "true");
} else if (!stricmp(s->token->s, "userhash")) {
if (!get_separator(s, '=') ||
return auth_error(d, "parse error in Digest userhash "
d->hash_username = !stricmp(s->token->s, "true");
} else if (!stricmp(s->token->s, "algorithm")) {
if (!get_separator(s, '=') ||
return auth_error(d, "parse error in Digest algorithm "
bool found = false;
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < N_HTTP_DIGEST_HASHES; i++) {
if (!stricmp(s->token->s, httphashnames[i])) {
found = true;
if (!found) {
/* We don't even recognise the name */
return auth_error(d, "Digest hash algorithm '%s' not "
"recognised", s->token->s);
if (!httphashaccepted[i]) {
/* We do recognise the name but we
* don't like it (see comment in cproxy.h) */
return auth_error(d, "Digest hash algorithm '%s' not "
"supported", s->token->s);
d->digest_hash = i;
} else if (!stricmp(s->token->s, "qop")) {
if (!get_separator(s, '=') ||
return auth_error(d, "parse error in Digest qop field");
if (stricmp(s->token->s, "auth"))
return auth_error(d, "quality-of-protection type '%s' not "
"supported", s->token->s);
} else {
/* Ignore any other auth-param */
if (!get_separator(s, '=') ||
(!get_quoted_string(s) && !get_token(s)))
return auth_error(d, "parse error in Digest header");
if (get_end_of_header(s))
if (!get_separator(s, ','))
return auth_error(d, "parse error in Digest header");
d->auth_type = AUTH_DIGEST;
return d;
return auth_error(d, "authentication type '%s' not supported",
static void proxy_http_process_queue(ProxyNegotiator *pn)
HttpProxyNegotiator *s = container_of(pn, HttpProxyNegotiator, pn);
* Initialise our username and password strbufs from the Conf.
put_dataz(s->username, conf_get_str(pn->ps->conf, CONF_proxy_username));
put_dataz(s->password, conf_get_str(pn->ps->conf, CONF_proxy_password));
if (s->username->len || s->password->len)
s->try_auth_from_conf = true;
* Set up the host:port string we're trying to connect to, also
* used as the URI string in HTTP Digest auth.
char dest[512];
sk_getaddr(pn->ps->remote_addr, dest, lenof(dest));
put_fmt(s->uri, "%s:%d", dest, pn->ps->remote_port);
while (true) {
* Standard prefix for the HTTP CONNECT request.
"CONNECT %s HTTP/1.1\r\n"
"Host: %s\r\n", s->uri->s, s->uri->s);
* Add an auth header, if we're planning to this time round.
if (s->next_auth->auth_type == AUTH_BASIC) {
put_datalit(pn->output, "Proxy-Authorization: Basic ");
strbuf *base64_input = strbuf_new_nm();
put_datapl(base64_input, ptrlen_from_strbuf(s->username));
put_byte(base64_input, ':');
put_datapl(base64_input, ptrlen_from_strbuf(s->password));
char base64_output[4];
for (size_t i = 0, e = base64_input->len; i < e; i += 3) {
base64_encode_atom(base64_input->u + i,
e-i > 3 ? 3 : e-i, base64_output);
put_data(pn->output, base64_output, 4);
smemclr(base64_output, sizeof(base64_output));
put_datalit(pn->output, "\r\n");
} else if (s->next_auth->auth_type == AUTH_DIGEST) {
put_datalit(pn->output, "Proxy-Authorization: Digest ");
/* If we have a fresh nonce, reset the
* nonce count. Otherwise, keep incrementing it. */
if (!ptrlen_eq_ptrlen(ptrlen_from_strbuf(s->token),
s->nonce_count = 0;
(s->next_auth->got_opaque ?
ptrlen_from_strbuf(s->next_auth->opaque) :
make_ptrlen(NULL, 0)),
++s->nonce_count, s->next_auth->digest_hash,
put_datalit(pn->output, "\r\n");
* Blank line to terminate the HTTP request.
put_datalit(pn->output, "\r\n");
s->content_length = 0;
s->chunked_transfer = false;
s->connection_close = false;
* Read and parse the HTTP status line, and check if it's a 2xx
* for success.
crMaybeWaitUntilV(read_line(pn->input, s->response, false));
int maj_ver, min_ver, n_scanned;
n_scanned = sscanf(
s->response->s, "HTTP/%d.%d %n%d",
&maj_ver, &min_ver, &s->http_status_pos, &s->http_status);
if (n_scanned < 3) {
pn->error = dupstr("HTTP response was absent or malformed");
if (maj_ver < 1 || (maj_ver == 1 && min_ver < 1)) {
/* Before HTTP/1.1, connections close by default */
s->connection_close = true;
if (s->http_status == 407) {
* If this is going to be an auth request, we expect to
* see at least one Proxy-Authorization header offering us
* auth options. Start by preloading s->next_auth with a
* fallback error message, which will be used if nothing
* better is available.
s->next_auth = http_auth_details_new();
auth_error(s->next_auth, "no Proxy-Authorization header seen in "
"HTTP 407 Proxy Authentication Required response");
* Read the HTTP response header section.
do {
crMaybeWaitUntilV(read_line(pn->input, s->header, true));
s->header_pos = 0;
if (!get_token(s)) {
/* Possibly we ought to panic if we see an HTTP header
* we can't make any sense of at all? But whatever,
* ignore it and hope the next one makes more sense */
/* Parse the header name */
HttpHeader hdr = HDR_UNKNOWN;
#define CHECK_HEADER(id, string) \
if (!stricmp(s->token->s, string)) hdr = id;
if (!get_separator(s, ':'))
if (hdr == HDR_CONTENT_LENGTH) {
if (!get_token(s))
s->content_length = strtoumax(s->token->s, NULL, 10);
} else if (hdr == HDR_TRANSFER_ENCODING) {
* The Transfer-Encoding header value should be a
* comma-separated list of keywords including
* "chunked", "deflate" and "gzip". We parse it in the
* most superficial way, by just looking for "chunked"
* and ignoring everything else.
* It's OK to do that because we're not actually
* _using_ the error document - we only have to skip
* over it to find the end of the HTTP response. So we
* don't care if it's gzipped or not.
while (get_token(s)) {
if (!stricmp(s->token->s, "chunked"))
s->chunked_transfer = true;
} else if (hdr == HDR_CONNECTION) {
if (!get_token(s))
if (!stricmp(s->token->s, "close"))
s->connection_close = true;
else if (!stricmp(s->token->s, "keep-alive"))
s->connection_close = false;
} else if (hdr == HDR_PROXY_AUTHENTICATE) {
HttpAuthDetails *auth = parse_http_auth_header(s);
* See if we prefer this set of auth details to the
* previous one we had (either from a previous auth
* header, or the fallback when no auth header is
* provided at all).
bool change;
if (auth->auth_type != s->next_auth->auth_type) {
/* Use the preference order implied by the enum */
change = auth->auth_type > s->next_auth->auth_type;
} else if (auth->auth_type == AUTH_DIGEST &&
auth->digest_hash != s->next_auth->digest_hash) {
/* Choose based on the hash functions */
change = auth->digest_hash > s->next_auth->digest_hash;
} else {
* If in doubt, go with the later one of the
* headers.
* The main reason for this is so that an error in
* interpreting an auth header will supersede the
* default error we preload saying 'no header
* found', because that would be a particularly
* bad error to report if there _was_ one.
* But we're in a tie-breaking situation by now,
* so there's no other reason to choose - we might
* as well apply the same policy everywhere else
* too.
change = true;
if (change) {
s->next_auth = auth;
} else {
} while (s->header->len > 0);
/* Read and ignore the entire response document */
if (!s->chunked_transfer) {
/* Simple approach: read exactly Content-Length bytes */
pn->input, s->content_length));
} else {
/* Chunked transfer: read a sequence of
* <hex length>\r\n<data>\r\n chunks, terminating in one with
* zero length */
do {
* Expect a chunk length
s->chunk_length = 0;
while (true) {
char c;
pn->input, &c, 1));
if (c == '\r') {
} else if (c == '\n') {
} else if ('0' <= c && c <= '9') {
s->chunk_length = s->chunk_length*16 + (c-'0');
} else if ('A' <= c && c <= 'F') {
s->chunk_length = s->chunk_length*16 + (c-'A'+10);
} else if ('a' <= c && c <= 'f') {
s->chunk_length = s->chunk_length*16 + (c-'a'+10);
} else {
pn->error = dupprintf(
"Received bad character 0x%02X in chunk length "
"during HTTP chunked transfer encoding",
(unsigned)(unsigned char)c);
* Expect that many bytes of chunked data
pn->input, s->chunk_length));
/* Now expect \r\n */
char buf[2];
pn->input, buf, 2));
if (memcmp(buf, "\r\n", 2)) {
pn->error = dupprintf(
"Missing CRLF after chunk "
"during HTTP chunked transfer encoding");
} while (s->chunk_length);
if (200 <= s->http_status && s->http_status < 300) {
/* Any 2xx HTTP response means we're done */
goto authenticated;
} else if (s->http_status == 407) {
/* 407 is Proxy Authentication Required, which we may be
* able to do something about. */
if (s->connection_close) {
pn->error = dupprintf("HTTP proxy closed connection after "
"asking for authentication");
/* If the best we can do is report some kind of error from
* a Proxy-Auth header (or an error saying there wasn't
* one at all), and no successful parsing of an auth
* header superseded that, then just throw that error and
* die. */
if (s->next_auth->auth_type == AUTH_ERROR) {
pn->error = dupstr(s->next_auth->error->s);
/* If we have auth details from the Conf and haven't tried
* them yet, that's our first step. */
if (s->try_auth_from_conf) {
s->try_auth_from_conf = false;
/* If the server sent us stale="true" in a Digest auth
* header, that means we _don't_ need to request a new
* password yet; just try again with the existing details
* and the fresh nonce it sent us. */
if (s->next_auth->digest_nonce_was_stale)
/* Either we never had a password in the first place, or
* the one we already presented was rejected. We can only
* proceed from here if we have a way to ask the user
* questions. */
if (!pn->itr) {
pn->error = dupprintf("HTTP proxy requested authentication "
"which we do not have");
* Send some prompts to the user. We'll assume the
* password is always required (since it's just been
* rejected, even if we did send one before), and we'll
* prompt for the username only if we don't have one from
* the Conf.
s->prompts = proxy_new_prompts(pn->ps);
s->prompts->to_server = true;
s->prompts->from_server = false;
s->prompts->name = dupstr("HTTP proxy authentication");
if (!s->username->len) {
s->username_prompt_index = s->prompts->n_prompts;
add_prompt(s->prompts, dupstr("Proxy username: "), true);
} else {
s->username_prompt_index = -1;
s->password_prompt_index = s->prompts->n_prompts;
add_prompt(s->prompts, dupstr("Proxy password: "), false);
while (true) {
SeatPromptResult spr = seat_get_userpass_input(
interactor_announce(pn->itr), s->prompts);
if (spr.kind == SPRK_OK) {
} else if (spr_is_abort(spr)) {
proxy_spr_abort(pn, spr);
if (s->username_prompt_index != -1) {
s->prompts = NULL;
} else {
/* Any other HTTP response is treated as permanent failure */
pn->error = dupprintf("HTTP response %s",
s->response->s + s->http_status_pos);
* Success! Hand over to the main connection.
pn->done = true;
const struct ProxyNegotiatorVT http_proxy_negotiator_vt = {
.new = proxy_http_new,
.free = proxy_http_free,
.process_queue = proxy_http_process_queue,
.type = "HTTP",